Around Town – November 7, 2014

Compiled by Janice Llanes Fabry   This Weekend Watercolor Wonders    An exhibit of watercolor paintings by Rye Arts Center teacher Brigitte Loritz and her students […]

October 24, 2014
12 min read

Compiled by Janice Llanes Fabry


This Weekend

AT-WatercolorWatercolor Wonders    
An exhibit of watercolor paintings by Rye Arts Center teacher Brigitte Loritz and her students runs through November 26 at the Rye library. A reception for the artists, who have been painting together for over twenty years, will be held Saturday from 1-4.

“Thursday A.M. Take Two” features new artwork created by the experienced students in Loritz’s Thursday morning art class as well as their teacher’s.


Wee Wizards
Future scientists and engineers, head to monthly programs at the Rye Free Reading Room and see how much fun science, technology, engineering, and math can be. Gizmos Science Fun Club for children in grades K-2 is held the first Friday of the month — today — from 3:30 to 4:30. Gadgets Science Fun Club for children in grades 3-5 takes place on the third Friday, November 21, from 3:30 to 4:30. Both hands-on S.T.E.M. sessions focus on wind and weather.

There will also be handouts for follow-up activities to do at home. Space is limited. Registration is by email only and is required separately for each session. To sign up, email childrensservices@ryelibrary .org beginning one week before the program date. Please include the program title and date, your telephone number, and your child’s name and grade in your message.


Tree of Thanks  
Create your family’s leaf at the Rye Y’s First Family Friday tonight from 6:30-7:30. All leaves will be pinned to the Y’s Tree of Thanks. Light refreshments served. Registration is required. Contact  Free admission for Family members, $10 for non-members.


No-Needle Knitting
Arm knitting is so much fun, and the best part about it is that you can do it even if you don’t know how to knit! The Rye Free Reading Room invites beginner and experienced handcrafters to a workshop to learn the new skill Saturday from 10-12.
Take home a knitted warm and cozy cowl or scarf and amaze your friends with what you created with your “arms.” Plus your creations can be great quick-to-make holiday gifts. Participants should bring two skeins of chunky or super chunky yarn to class. Needles are not necessary.


Saturday Night Fun Fever  
On the second Saturday night of every month, the Rye Y is open just to middle schoolers for games, food, and camaraderie from 7-10. This month, the theme is “Thanks” and there will be a canned food drive, in addition to candy apples, pizza, gladiator jousting, basketball, and activities in the game room.


Zumba Social  
The Rye Y invites members to a Family Zumba Sunday from 3:30-5. After the fun dance/fitness class, there will be arts and crafts with light refreshments. Free for family members.

For a Good Cause

Lola Shopping Spree   
Kick start holiday shopping at a one-day event at Lola, 80 Purchase Street, on November 13 from 3-7. The women’s boutique will donate 10 percent of sales to the Rye Y. Designer and stylist Nora Gardner will be on hand to help shoppers pick out their holiday wardrobe. In addition, there will be raffle prizes from Town and Country Salon, Blue Tulip Chocolates, Frankie and Johnny’s, and Scarf candy pins. Plenty of goodies, refreshments, and surprises are in store.


Save the Date


Turkey Run
On November 29, Rye Recreation is holding its ever-popular Turkey Run/Paws Walk 2014. Start and finish at Rye Rec Park. Participants may check in and register on-site at 8. The one-mile paws walk-a-thon starts at 9; the one-mile fun run/walk starts at 9:30.  The 3.1- and 5.2-mile races begin at 10. To register online and check out race maps, visit /recreation.cfm. An early bird rate is available until November 21. For more information, call 967-2535.


Living Spaces and Landscape
Count on inspired conversation and ideas at “Hearth & Earth,” over lunch with designer Alexa Hampton and landscape architect Thomas Woltz at the Jay Heritage Center December 18, from 11:30-2. For advance tickets, call 698-9275.


Arts & Entertainment

Back in the Saddle
Did you know John Wayne’s real name was Marion Robert Morrison? True fans of the Duke will want to giddy-up over to the Rye Historical Society’s Square House Museum for the next in their Wayne film series. On November 9 at 2:30, the movie is John Ford’s 1962 “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance,” co-starring Jimmy Stewart, Lee Marvin, John Carradine, and Vera Miles.

Seating is limited, so call 967-7588 to register.


AT-Cast-of-Painting-ChurcheBroadway on the Post Road
Tina Howe’s one-act play, “Painting Churches,” deals with the oft-painful subject of dementia with wit, compassion, intelligence, and moments of humor. The play, a past finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, will be performed November 23 at 7 p.m. at Rye Presbyterian Church by M&M Productions Acting Company. Admission is free.

By turns funny, sad, poignant, and moving, “Painting Churches” depicts the devastating impact of the onset of dementia on a family. Gardner Church, once a famous poet, now retired, and his wife Fanny are preparing to move out of their Beacon Hill home to their summer cottage on Cape Cod. Their daughter, Mags, an accomplished painter, has come both to help them move and, at long last, to paint their portrait. This production has earned high praise in the nine other Westchester venues at which M&M has presented it this year.

Time magazine described “Painting Churches” as “a radiant, loving, and zestfully humorous play…distinctly Chekhovian. Howe captures the same edgy surface of false hilarity, the same unutterable sadness beneath it, and the indomitable valor beneath both.”  

M&M also produced “Doubt” in Rye in 2009. So come, bring friends, and participate in a post-production discussion with the actors and others about the issues, feelings, and experiences depicted in the play.


Dutch Treat
Be among the first in the nation to see the Bruce Museum’s new exhibit “Northern Baroque Splendor,” November 12 from 10:30-11:30. The inaugural showing in the U.S. of Dutch and Flemish 17th century paintings on loan from the Princely Collection, Vienna is a must-see. Among the almost 60 artists represented are Jan Breughel and Peter Paul Rubens. Fee: $6 plus lunch optional at Greenwich restaurant.


Strings Attached
The Westchester Chamber Music Society is pleased to present the acclaimed Cassatt String Quartet and violist Kazuhide Isomura, a founding member of the Tokyo String Quartet, in concert at Congregation Emanu-el, November 16 at 4. The program begins with Dvorak’s “American” Quartet followed by Peter Schikele’s delightful Quartet 1, “American Dreams” and closing with the magnificent and rarely performed Johannes Brahms Viola Quintet No. 2 in G Major.

For over 60 years, the Society has been bringing world-class chamber music to the area. Led by Dr. Caroline Bauman, a pediatrician and longtime Rye resident, the organization is committed to supporting rising young talent and presenting first-rate artists.
Seating is open. Tickets are $40 and may be purchased at the door. Students are admitted free of charge. For inquiries and tickets, call 967-7399.


Talks and Workshops

Look and Listen   
A Color and Sound workshop at Wainwright House on November 9 from 1-4 will free one’s creative spirits. Facilitators Karen Siegel and Mary Ann McSweeney will explore how color influences thoughts, emotions, and body chakras, just as the world vibrates within a giant symphony of sound. 

Participants may create mandalas and paintings to live music. Cost is $60 for members; $66 for non-members. Registration required; visit www.wainwright .org.


To Affinity and Beyond
Affinity groups are the heart and soul of Wainwright House and every Tuesday from 7-8:30 all members are welcome to join a group to explore “A Course in Miracles,” published by the Foundation for Inner Peace. The course aims to remove the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence. Fee is $5. For information, email


Gut Course
No more bloating, no more gas. Dr. Kurt Waples will address the increasingly common problems of irritable bowel, constipation, and acid reflux at the Rye Free Reading Room November 13 at 10. While many approaches to these problems deal with symptoms, Waples will discuss the basic causes and, more importantly, the solutions to cleansing the gut and eliminating discomfort. Waples is a chiropractor, kinesiologist, and natural medicine practitioner.


The Book in You  
Four Westchester indie authors will present their stories of becoming published through non-traditional means at the Rye Free Reading Room’s panel discussion on November 13, from 6:30-8. They’ll share their inspirations and offer insight into their personal writing process. The authors hope to encourage those who have long dreamed of putting pen to paper to start. For those who already have a manuscript hidden away, shake off the dust and take the next step towards sharing it with the world.


Fascinating Ferns  
Join Friends of Rye Nature Center for an informative talk on ferns at the center November 15 at 3. Docent Michael Penziner will take participants for a walk during his lecture about these leafy plants that grow from spores. Appropriate for adults and mature children. The cost is $5/members, $8/non-members.


AT-liftarn Large barrelWhistle While You Drink  
Dave Pickerell, Master Distiller at Whistle Pig, will visit Harrison Wine Vault November 15 from 3-6.  A renowned figure in the whiskey world, Pickerell was the master distiller at Makers Mark for 14 years and is now making whiskey for Whistle Pig. He also consults for over twenty other distilleries across the United States. Pickerell will be signing bottles of a Whistle Pig Rye exclusive “Barrel #6,” available only at the Harrison Wine Vault.

SPRYE Tech  
Learn the ins and outs of your latest electronic devices on November 18 from 3-4 at Rye TV Studios at Rye High School. Thanks to great coaching by Rye Youth Council students, everyone can become proficient in the latest apps and games. The program is free.

SPRYE Goes Down Under  
On November 19 from 3-4:30 at Wainwright House, Rye resident and renowned landscape architect Peter Rolland will share his decade of experience as an American in Australia. In the 1980s, his firm won an international competition to create the landscape architecture for Australia’s new capitol building, New Parliament House. Fifty-one round trips later, his team’s design appeared on that country’s currency. Admission is free.


Mapping Out Medicare  
Learn how Medicare works and how to adjust your coverage to better fit your needs at the Rye library November 20 at 11. The informative seminar will help you better understand Medicare and the options available to you with Medicare coverage. Learn how and when to join or change your plan, what Medigap and Medicare Advantage plans entail, and the differences between HMO, PPO, PFFS, SNP, and MSA.


Legal Look at Vaccines
Attorney Susan Lee will address current questions regarding vaccine safety and efficacy, as well as legal redress for vaccine injuries at the Rye Free Reading Room November 20 at 7:30. Presented by Holistic Moms, the program will address parents’ rights and ways to make health decisions in their children’s best interests. Lee is the founder of Know Your Vaccines, LLC and a member of the Vaccine Injury Justice Center.


AT-cornucopiaThanksgiving Centerpiece
For the sixth year, The Rye Historical Society and The Friends of Rye Nature Center are co-hosting co-host a unique program celebrating the origins of Thanksgiving. “Exploring Native American & Colonial Life” will be held November 22 from 2-4 at the Square House Museum.

Learn about the tools, techniques, and foods commonly used by the early inhabitants of the area. Afterwards, they are invited to taste a sampling of food staples of the Native American and colonial diet. The cost is $10 per family. Reservations are recommended. Call the Rye Historical Society at 967-7588.


After the Storm    
Naturalist and environmental educator Alison Beall will discuss “The Impact of Storm Activity on Vegetation” while leading a walking demonstration November 22 at 3 on the Meeting House and Bird Homestead properties.

Based on the effects of immersion in salt water on the plants, shrubs and trees during Hurricane Sandy, the walk will serve as a guide to planting in the coastal plain.  Learn which plants suffered most, which survived, and which new plants came in on the tides and thrived. The native coastal salt marsh plants will also be identified and their special requirements discussed.    

Admission is free but donations are gratefully accepted. For further information, contact 967-0099 or visit


Thanksgiving Tellabration  
An annual worldwide gathering featuring the sharing of stories of Thanksgiving and community, Tellabration will be commemorated locally at the Rye Free Reading Room November 22 at 7. Sponsored by the Rye Storytellers’ Guild, the evening’s stories will be dedicated to Neva Winter, a founder of the Guild. Bring a friend and enjoy this evening of refreshments and tales meant for grown-ups.  

The Rye Storytellers’ Guild meets monthly on Tuesday evenings to share traditional and personal tales and trade tips on storytelling techniques. The evenings are loosely arranged around themes that are announced in advance, and listeners, as well as tellers, are always welcome. For more information, call 231-3161 or visit


Green Thumb Tuesdays
The Ceres Garden Club of Rye invites all those interested in gardening and the environment to attend its monthly Tuesday meetings from 12:30-2:30 at the Damiano Center at Rye Recreation. At the next meeting on November 18, members and guests will create seasonal baskets and tray favors for nursing home residents. A variety of programs are planned throughout the year, including informative talks on flowers and eco-friendly landscaping, floral arranging shows and workshops, trips to plant centers and botanical gardens, work sessions on civic projects, and more.
If you’ve admired the hanging baskets of geraniums that decorated downtown Rye all summer and into the fall, you’ve seen the work of the Ceres Garden Club. Call Club President Ann Moller at 967-5419 to learn more about the meeting dates and topics. Men as well as women are welcome.

Teen Times

AT-Graham-ClarkeTuned-Up Tuesdays   
Children’s entertainer Graham Clarke will have youngsters movin’ and groovin’ to the beat at the Rye library November 18 at 1. This fall, Musical Tuesdays feature 45-minute programs and are offered twice a month. Next up: December 2 and 16. To find out more about Graham and his guitar friends Delores, Cinnamon and Bluebell, visit www.gra


Thanksgiving Crafts  
Devon Pentz, Museum Educator at The Square House, will lead a workshop for teens using natural materials to create an array of Thanksgiving-themed decorations at the Rye library November 14 from 3:30-5. Participants can make cornucopias and small wreaths, and will pick up historical trivia on the origins of the beloved holiday. Space is limited; register in person or call 231-3172.


Crafting a Standout Resume  
Learn how to transform your resume into a marketing document at a free workshop conducted by a professional job counselor at the Rye Free Reading Room November 15 from 11-12:30. Find out about different formats, select one that will work for you, and understand how to post your resume on job boards and social media sites. Register in person at the library or call 231-3161.


Children’s Corner

Veterans Day Activities   
Over the school holiday, November 10 and 11, students in grades K through 6 are invited to the Rye Y for Fun Club Day from 9-4. Pack a lunch, a swimsuit, cap, and towel. Cost per day is $65 for members and KT/ASA members; $80 for non-members. Extended hours are available. Email


Hands-on Holiday  
Join Rye Recreation while school’s out on November 10 for fun, creative workshops. Grades K-5 can enjoy Jewelry and Beading from 10-12. Fee is $35 for residents, $50 non-residents. Grades K-4 can be a part of Brick Kids from 1-3. Fee is $30 for residents, $40 non-residents. To register, go to


Science Extravaganza  
Pre-kindergarteners to fifth graders can have a great day at Rye Nature Center on their day off from school on November 11 from 10-2. The kids will be melting ice, creating their own tornadoes, and testing various science experiments outdoors. Put the goggles and thinking caps on and sharpen your chemistry skills. Bring lunch. Pre-registration required. The cost is $60 per child for members; $70 per child for non-members.


Road Trip!  
Grades 6-8 are invited to join the Rye Y for a trip to West Nyack’s Dave & Buster’s, where food meets fun, on November 11. Meet at the Y at 10 and return by 4. Chaperoned by the Y’s Teen Team, they’ll be given a gaming card for unlimited play on over 100 gaming and arcade machines, as well as a full buffet lunch with unlimited beverages. The fee for Family/Youth members is $65, $85 for non-members. To register, visit


You’re It  
On November 14, Rye Recreation is holding two sessions of Archery Tag for grades 6-8 from 5:30-7 and 7-8:30 at the Rye Middle School Gym. Not sure how to play? Picture the intensity and excitement of dodge ball and paint ball using the skill-set of archery with safe foam-tipped arrows. To sign up, go to


Ecology Club
Children with special needs are invited to bring a family member with them to the Rye Nature Center November 22 at 9:30.  Enjoy animal programs, hikes, and other fun science and sensory adventures. For more information, email No fee, but pre-registration is required. n



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