Even before she became a mom, Rye’s Kira Ryan, now the mother of two toddlers, was “obsessed” with sleep.
By Kathleen Durkee
Even before she became a mom, Rye’s Kira Ryan, now the mother of two toddlers, was “obsessed” with sleep. She believed that as long as she had a baby that slept through the night, she could handle parenthood. But even after reading countless books on the subject, she had little success in finding the right formula to get hers to sleep night.
While living in New York City, and when her first child was only a few months old, Ryan met another new mom, Conner Herman. Herman, a graduate of the Air Force Academy and an Afghanistan veteran, was equally unsuccessful in implementing the basic training necessary to get her baby to sleep at night.
The two moms instantly clicked. While discussing the trials and tribulations of their families’ sleeplessness, they decided to develop a better way to get their children to sleep, and help other families with the same problem, and Dream Team Baby was born.
Ryan and Herman recruited a panel of experts, including a neurologist, pediatrician, psychologist, behavioral therapist, nurse practitioner, and lactation consultant. The pair used their “mom filters” to distill the information they gathered from their advisory board for the development of a unique and safe approach to helping babies and toddlers learn to sleep through the night.
Initially, Dream Team Baby had consultants on call, either by telephone or in person. But when their methods and techniques proved to resolve most sleep issues within a matter of days, demand expanded beyond a level the consultants were able to manage. So the pair decided to write a book to share what they’d learned with a much wider audience. “The Dream Sleeper” has just been published.
The Dream Team has enjoyed major media coverage, including appearances on “The Today Show” and “Good Morning America”. They also act as the sleep experts for “The Bump,” a national parenting resource. To learn more about their business, go to dreamteambaby.com. To purchase a copy of “The Dream Sleeper”, visit Arcade Books.