At its June 13 meeting, the City Council voted 6-0 on a resolution respectfully calling upon the County Executive to restore public transportation south of Playland Parkway, covering commuter and heavily used time periods.
Council to County Exec: Restore Bus Service
At its June 13 meeting, the City Council voted 6-0 on a resolution respectfully calling upon the County Executive to restore public transportation south of Playland Parkway, covering commuter and heavily used time periods.
In their resolution, there was no reference to the former #76 Bus, which served the Milton Point community until January 1, and about which much has been said, some of it not too respectfully in recent months.
Dapolite/City Come to Terms
In the matter of Dapolite vs. Scott Pickup, an amicable settlement was reached.
City employee Andrew Dapolite told the paper, “I am very pleased that all parties were able to settle our differences. I look ahead to continuing at Rye TV, highlighting all the community events and making RyeTV a media showcase.”
In his public statement, Mayor Doug French said, “The City is pleased to approve a settlement of the Article 78 proceeding brought against the City. No financial terms were part of the settlement.” He added, “The pending ethics allegations can now resume.”
John Carey, who represented Dapolite, told the paper, “It has been my experience during six decades as a lawyer that a reasonable settlement is usually better than a victory after months of litigation with all the expense and anxiety involved. And so it is here. All those involved will benefit from having this behind them and from now being able to work amicably together to make RyeTV even better than it has been and of even greater service to all Rye residents.”