We all spend a great deal of time in our cars these days, and we should be doing all we can to drive responsibly. Control the air pollution you create by NEVER IDLING your car.
We all spend a great deal of time in our cars these days, and we should be doing all we can to drive responsibly. Control the air pollution you create by NEVER IDLING your car. A good rule of thumb is: if you are sitting for 10 seconds or longer, turn off your engine.
Ten Seconds of Idling Uses More Fuel Than Re-Starting Your Engine
It is myth that stopping and starting uses more fuel than running your engine.
Best Way to Warm Up a Cold Engine
Today’s electronic engines do not need to be warmed up. On very cold days, the best way to warm up your car is to drive it. Letting your car sit and idle does not properly warm up the engine.
Idling Is Not Good for Your Engine
In fact, it can damage your engine. Car engines are not designed to be running a car that is sitting still. When you idle, fuel is only partially burned because the engine is not running at its proper temperature. This leads to a collection of fuel residue that builds up on cylinder walls and damages engine components.
Exhaust and Disease
Exposure to car exhaust has been linked to asthma, allergies, cancer, heart and lung disease. An idling car emits more exhaust than one that is in motion, because the engine is not designed to be sitting still and only partially combusts the fuel. Sitting in your idling car means you are sitting in a cloud of dirty exhaust. Stop idling and you will be helping improve air quality for yourself and others. It is healthier for you to get out of your car than to sit parked and waiting.
What a Waste!
Idling gets 0 miles per gallon. Those who idle will spend more time and money at the pump while going nowhere. For every 10 minutes that an engine runs, a pound of carbon dioxide is created. Carbon dioxide is the primary contributor to global climate change.
It’s the Law
Because of all of the above, the City of Rye has a law in place that makes idling your car for more than three minutes illegal.
— The Rye Garden Club Conservation Committee