Hats Off to the Rye High School Class of 2021

There was plenty of pomp and encomiums and, happily, no challenging circumstances or pandemicomiums to prevent the 90th Rye High School Graduation Ceremony from proceeding as planned on June 19.   […]

June 24, 2021
8 min read

There was plenty of pomp and encomiums and, happily, no challenging circumstances or pandemicomiums to prevent the 90th Rye High School Graduation Ceremony from proceeding as planned on June 19.  

The crowd was welcomed by Principal Dr. Martin Fitzgerald who turned the podium over to Superintendent Dr. Eric Byrne. 

The Latin orators described the journey of their class — its transitions, challenges, and triumphs — and shared indelible memories. 

Before students walked with heads held high to the podium to receive their diplomas, they listened to the senior oration by Ezekiel Meulbroek, the salutatory address by Alexis Francis, a musical interlude by the Scales Club, and the valedictory address by Elizabeth Fink. 

After mortar boards came down from the afternoon skies, families were heartened to gather with their graduates and friends linked arms, surely not for the last time.  

Rye High School Class of 2021 

Charles C. Abt 

Hannah F. Adler 

Sofia Ahumada 

Wyatt Daniel Allen 

Kyle Andrew Andrade 

Paul Neil Angelastro 

Peter Philip Angelastro 

Sophie Annett 

Kaisei Arai 

Leslie Arellano 

Catharina Ausfahl 

Sofia Marie Axelrod 

Naved Azim 

Caitlyn Bach 

Logan Tyler Baer 

Emily Elizabeth Bainbridge 

Mara Mae Ball 

Jack Cameron Bartlett 

Catherine Rebecca Batal 

Joseph Samuel Beazely 

Rachel Kristine Belanger 

John A. Bergamini III 

Noah William Birdsall 

Sophie G. Brett 

Francesca Brizio 

Tyler Michael Brooks 

Sophie Ariel Bross 

Breanna Danielle Brownson 

Dayana Bubb 

Jonathan Bubb 

Dylan Williams Bunder 

Marion Kirby Burbank 

Luke Hamilton Burnham 

Eva Cantalapiedra 

Matthew Dalton Capaldi 

John Patrick Cassidy 

Nicole Ceron 

Kai F. Chait 

Gloria Chang 

Isabella Jane Chiaravalle 

Madeleine Childs 

Teague JDR Clark 

Lucille Elizabeth Clarke 

Nathan H. Collins 

Kimberley Collinson 

Alexander Vincent Conn 

Kathlyn Coyne 

Cara Michelle Cunningham 

Anne Sanford Dailey 

Tatum Shea Dailey 

Luke Daly 

Joshua Daniel Davies 

William Tyler Deertz 

Jaclyn Ann De Paola 

Jamie Christine DePauw 

Andrew F. DeRusso 

Eoghan John Donnelly 

Jeremy August Doornick 

Shervin A. Dsouza 

Nicolas Ian Eckstein 

Sally Fraine Eggers 

Stephanie Nicole Margaret Ellis 

Benjamin Charles Elsen 

Ewan J. Farr 

Gabrielle Grace Fazzalari 

Virginia Evangeline Field 

Luke William Filor 

Elizabeth Whitney Fink 

Kevin Fitzgibbons 

John Arthur Foresman 

Jessica H. Foster 

Alexis Lydia Francis 

Matthew Franco 

Gregory Darius Franzetti 

Nathan Froah 

Emma Christine Gagliano 

Clara Maria Gallagher 

Mercedes Gárate Sanz 

Talia Gardner 

Lindsay Drew Garfinkel 

Jordan Mekhi Gaylord 

Matthew Douglas Gencarelli 

Laya Divyasree Gollamudi 

Katherine Angela Gonzalez 

Noelle Samantha Gori 

Thiago Augusto Heider Drummond Gough 

Ava Magdalena Greto 

John Hall Griffiths 

Jack Gruber 

Gabriel A. Gurgitano Jr. 

Athena Hadjipanayis 

Ken Johannes Haesslein 

Oliver Wilson Hager 

Julianna Rose Halasz 

Olivia H. Ham 

Carolina Mercon Hammes 

Helena Elizabeth Hargraves 

Andrew Korff Harris 

Ellie Jayne Hartman 

Austin Connor Harvey 

Nina Hanna Hauswirth 

Marcos Antonio Hendler 

Chase Stratmann Henjes 

Allyson Natalie Hernandez 

Chloe Herzog 

Jack Benjamin Hirsch 

Madeline Day Howson 

Liam W. Hurley 

Cory Hylton 

Katherine Grace Iuliano 

Chase M. Jackson 

Emma Susan Jackson 

Amar S. Jaswal 

Ivy Emma Johnson 

Emma Taylor Jones 

Mia Josephina Kacha 

Eason Kamander 

Riki Katayama 

Lucas Michael Kavulich 

John Peter Keith 

Bridget Genevieve Kelleher 

Shane Elanor Kelly 

Elisabeth C. Kirk 

Isabelle Rose Knott 

Clara Kruijtzer 

James Richard LaMagna 

Lucy T. Langer 

Alexandra Eugenia Langley 

Kaitlin M. Larkin 

Madeleine Sally Louise Larzul 

Amanda J. Latkany 

Liam Lavelle 

Alberto Laverón Blanco 

Casey Brennan Lehmann 

Andrew Lent 

Geoffrey Thomas Lien 

Hannah Alexandra Lloyd 

Nicholas Van Logan 

Jessup Daniel Lopez 

Courtney Allison Lopp 

Anisah Lozada 

Hannah Josie Lutz 

Elizabeth Mary Mackle 

William Arthur Madigan 

Joseph Magnus 

Ilan Mark Mahmoudov 

John A. Mambrino Jr. 

Vincent J. Mandracchia 

Frank G. Maro 

Marin Martin 

Issei Matsumoto 

Airi Matsushita 

Sophia Alexis McCarthy 

William Judge McCullough 

MaryKate McDermott 

Eloise Grace McKinnon 

Chantal Madeline McNairy 

John Nicolas Melfi 

Ezekiel W. Meulbroek 

Natasha Anne Meyer 

Ronin Alexander Miceli 

William Stephen Mongillo 

Joseph Robert Montalto 

Cecily Pettus Mooney 

Kenyon Walker Moore 

Gerard J. Mosconi II 

Samantha K. Mosconi 

Ava Catherine Mullooly 

Julian Hendrik Murdoch 

Nicholas C. Murphy 

Ramsey Nachman 

Elinore Amy Neeves 

Owen Thomas Trinh Nguyen 

Lucia Nievas Molina 

Amanda Maria Nilsson 

Kaitlyn Marie Nolte 

Wesley Simon Norton 

Felix Sanders Nusbaum 

Holly Emerson Nye 

Jack Ronan O’Byrne 

John McQuiggan O’Connor 

Shotaro Odaka 

Kenan Robert Oktay 

Devon Lauren Ott 

María José Pachón Fuentes 

Christian J. Panagos 

Tatiana Maria Paris 

Sophie Elizabeth Parkin de Magalhaes 

Simone Passarelli 

Alyssa Makayla Pavlovsky 

Christopher Michael Pecora 

Lucas Andres Perez-Segnini 

Elizabeth Reid Peron 

Julie Charlotte Plink 

Emma Gray Quinn 

Jacqueline Karen Quirke 

Ava Jennifer Ramachandran 

Nicolas Alexander Read 

Barrett James Regan 

Zachary Ajay Rentala 

Nicholas Anthony Rinaldi 

Quinn McCabe Roche 

Dylan Patrick Rodilosso 

Alexandra Rosales 

Donald Roger Roveto IV 

Colin Lazar Rozowsky 

Carina Emily Rudolph-Math 

Caleigh L. Russo 

Ryder Chase Ruttenberg 

Keir Alick Sadler 

Alessandra Rose Santia 

Sean Savage 

Daniel A. Saya 

Gage Noah Schadt 

Spencer Davis Schultz 

Charles Stephen Schulz 

Thomas William Sciulli 

Matthew Scott 

Trace Sculti 

Jonathan Grant Sears 

Joseph Holcombe Seitz 

Lindsey Kayla Serena 

Niklas Parag Sheth 

Michael P. Sinnott 

Brendan Matthew Slater 

Madelyn Grace Slattery 

Sora H. Small 

Miles Mackenzie Smith 

Mare Smits 

Nathaniel Alexander Spierings 

Rachel Emily Spiro 

James T. Stanley 

Caroline Elizabeth Stevens 

Aidan John Sullivan 

David R. Suranyi 

Benjamin Adam Swartz 

Jackson Scott Swiader 

Samantha Rose Talt 

Julie A. Tiedemann 

Peter James Tonkel 

Guian Maui Torres 

Gisele Abbie Treichler 

Meredith Jean Tutun 

Elizabeth Anna van der Voort 

Bianca Vitiello 

Alexander Max Vollbrecht 

Riley Theresa Volpe 

Olivia Phoebe Walker 

Dylan Walsh 

Pamela M. Weckessar 

Tom Weiss 

James A. Weld 

Amelia Caroline Welling 

Caitlin Wexler 

Zoe Whitehead Rockas 

George Wong 

Taylor Grace Worman 

Yuki Yamashita 

Aidan Thomas Zaicek 

Nina Asia Zambianchi 

The Colleges They Will Attend 

Amherst College 

Babson College 

Bates College 

Berklee School of Music 

Binghamton University (8) 

Boston College (7) 

Boston University (3) 

Bowdoin College 

Brookdale Community College 

Brown University 

Bucknell University (3) 

Catawba College 

Catholic University 

Claremont McKenna College 

Colby College (2) 

Colgate University (3) 

College of the Holy Cross 

College of William and Mary (4) 

Columbia University (3) 

Columbia University International Dual BA Program 

Columbia University/Trinity College Dublin 

Cornell University (6) 

CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College 

CUNY Queens College 

Dartmouth College 

Denison University 

Elon University (6) 

Emerson College (2) 

Fairfield University (2) 

Fordham University  

Furman University 

Geoge Washington University (4) 

Georgetown University (6) 

Hamilton College 

Harvard University 

Hofstra University 

Indiana University – Bloomington (3) 

Johns Hopkins University (2) 

Landmark College 

Lehigh University 

Lesley University 

Lincoln Technical Institute 

Manhattan College (2) 

Marist College 

McGill University 

Miami University – Oxford (2) 

Montclair State University 

New York University (3) 

Northeastern University (7) 

Pace University 

Pennsylvania State University (7) 

Princeton University 

Purdue University 

Reed College (2) 

Rice University 

Rochester Institute of Technology 

Roger Williams University 

Sacred Heart University (3) 

San Diego State University 

Santa Clara University (4) 

Skidmore College (2) 

Southern Methodist University 

Springfield College 

St. Bonaventure University 

St. Lawrence University (2) 

SUNY at New Paltz 

Stony Brook University 

SUNY at Purchase College (3) 

SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill 

SUNY Cortland 

SUNY Morrisville 

SUNY Oneonta 

SUNY Westchester Community College (2) 

Syracuse University (3) 

Tel Aviv University 

Temple University 

The New School (2) 

The University of Tampa 

Tufts University (5) 

Tulane University (7) 

U.S. Navy 

Universidad de Navarra 

University at Albany (SUNY) 

University of California – Berkeley (3) 

University of California – Davis 

University of California – Irvine (2) 

University of California – Los Angeles 

University of California – San Diego 

University of California – Santa Cruz 

University of Chicago 

University of Colorado – Boulder (4) 

University of Delaware 

University of Denver 

University of Exeter 

University of Groningen 

University of Miami (6) 

University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill (2) 

University of Notre Dame (2) 

University of Oxford (2) 

University of Pennsylvania 

University of Richmond (8) 

University of Southern California (2) 

University of St. Andrews (2) 

University of Texas at Austin (2) 

University of Vermont (2) 

University of Virginia 

University of Wisconsin – Madison (6) 

Vanderbilt University (2) 

Villanova University 

Virginia Polytechnic Institute (2) 

Wake Forest University (6) 

Washington and Lee University 

Washington University 

Western University 

Williams College (3) 

Yale University 

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