Three Rye High School students accused of paddling eighth-graders during a freshman hazing incident last spring are due to return to City Court October 16 after their cases were adjourned for a third time Tuesday.
Three Rye High School students accused of paddling eighth-graders during a freshman hazing incident last spring are due to return to City Court October 16 after their cases were adjourned for a third time Tuesday.
The teenagers were charged with a felony count of second-degree assault and misdemeanor counts of first-degree hazing and second-degree unlawful imprisonment. They entered not guilty pleas on the misdemeanors.
The accused were juniors when police said they forced several eighth-graders into a car in front of Rye Public Library on June 1 and drove them to Marshlands Conservancy, a county-owned property. County police said a two-by-four was used to beat the middle schoolers’ buttocks and legs.
A parent of one of the victims complained last month about not being kept up-to-date by the Westchester County District Attorney’s office, which is prosecuting the case.