FOODPLAY, a national award-winning theater show that encourages healthy eating and exercise habits, recently brought its fun and enthusiastic cast to Osborn Elementary School. Through music, magic, dance, and juggling, students learned about the unhealthy ingredients in junk food and most processed foods.
FOODPLAY, a national award-winning theater show that encourages healthy eating and exercise habits, recently brought its fun and enthusiastic cast to Osborn Elementary School. Using music, magic, dance, and juggling, students learned about the unhealthy ingredients in junk food and most processed foods.
Through creative skits, FOODPLAY taught students valuable lessons about the negative effects that sugar, fat, and other chemical ingredients have on their bodies, and how by eating healthy foods and exercising they’ll have all of the key ingredients for optimal health.
FOODPLAY Productions has been featured on ABC, CBS, CNN, PBS and Nickelodeon, and it was obvious that Osborn students were excited to have it featured at their school as well.
— Kathleen Durkee