Tim Moynihan and Dave Ball are the featured speakers at Rye’s Veterans Day ceremony November 11.
Honoring Our Veterans
While this year’s Veterans Day ceremony will be conducted virtually, due to the pandemic, American Legion Post 128 has planned a very special program for Wednesday, November 11, which will be aired at 11 a.m. and throughout the day on RyeTV.
After opening remarks by Post Commander Fred deBarros and local officials, Post Adjutant Tim Moynihan and Dave Ball, an historian working with RyeVets.org and a former Rye High School teacher, will relate the story of Charles W. Bailey and his family. An argument can be made that no Rye family sacrificed as much as the Baileys in the service of their country in World Wars I and II and the Korean War. (Read more about the Bailey family at www.ryevets.org.)
The mission of RyeVets.org is to gather available archival sources and create a short biography for every veteran who served from Rye, N.Y. The project is a community effort with the support of the Rye Historical Society, American Legion Post 128, Rye High and Middle schools, and numerous volunteers.
No other community has attempted a veterans’ archive of this magnitude and the project could very well serve as a template for interested municipalities across the United States.
Robin Latimer will sing patriotic songs and Rev. Kate Malin will lead the invocation.
Rye American Legion Post 128, which was chartered on July 16, 1919, was the first veterans organization in the City of Rye. Among the original charter members were such pillars of the community as Stuyvesant Wainwright, Martin F. Kirby, and J. Mayhew Wainwright. Since that time, Post 128 has provided uninterrupted volunteer services to our community and its veterans. Rye Post 128 Auxiliary not only works side-by-side with the veterans who belong to the American Legion but has expanded its outreach.