Rye American Legion Post 128 and its Auxiliary invite the community to the annual Memorial Day ceremonies Monday, May 30.
Rye American Legion Post 128 and its Auxiliary invite the community to the annual Memorial Day ceremonies Monday, May 30. The proceedings will begin with a parade at the Rye Train Station at 9:30. Follow a horse-drawn stagecoach and wagon, antique fire trucks and cars, marching bands, and dozens of local officials, Scouts, and members of Rye’s many volunteer organizations along Purchase Street to the Village Green for the service, which begins at 10:30.
At 10:30 Post 128 Commander Fred de Barros will begin the formal ceremony. Father Joe Lim from Church of the Resurrection will offer the opening prayer. The featured speaker is Rabbi Dr. Robert Rothman, former spiritual leader of Rye Community Synagogue.
The annual Americanism Award will be presented to Lauren Dempsey, president of the Rye High School Adopt A Soldier Club, and Marie Carlucci, the program advisor.
As per tradition, a Resurrection School student will recite the Gettysburg Address and the names of those from Rye who fought and perished in the wars of the 20th century will be read.
The John M. Kingery Memorial Day Essay Contest Award will be presented to Rye High School student Adam Chen and runners-up Julia Laber and James Cronin.
Eagle Scouts David Schindler and Casimir Harshbarger will be recognized for their achievements.
Robin Latimer, president of the American Legion Auxiliary, will lead the community in singing the national anthem and “God Bless America.”
At 8:15 that morning, members of the Rye Fire Department will conduct a brief ceremony and lay flowers at the monument in the circle at Milton Road. The monument honors Rye firefighters who served their country.