Yes, Rye senior Connor Brady had three more goals, which was terrific. Yes, Rye beat Fordham Prep 7-5 Sunday night at Playland. But this game will be remembered more for its multiple stoppages of play due to penalties than for its great hockey. Three players from each team were ejected from this non-league game.
As every player, coach, referee, parent, and fan knows, hockey is an extremely physical game. Banging, checking, and high-speed collisions are constants. And with 17- and 18-year-old young men on the ice, the banging is for real. But in between the physical play and all the ejections, was the strong play (two goals) of Rye freshman Will Niejadlik, who is establishing himself as one of the more skilled young players in Division II.
Seniors Tyler McDermott and Jamie Showers led by example, playing hard-nosed hockey all night for Rye (10-5-1). And Rye junior Trevor Dolan may be the best skater in Section 1. Fordham Prep’s Tim Edwards had two sweet goals for the Rams.
Fordham Prep senior forward Michael Nalepka grew up in Rye, knows most of the current senior class at Rye High School, and was an Osborn Elementary School playground legend. In addition to the challenge of playing against some of his closest buddies, Nalepka scored once in the first period and again in the second to keep his team in the game.
Rye has another home game at 5:15 p.m. Wednesday against Scarsdale.