Over 20 volunteers mingled and shared stories at SPRYE’s Volunteer Wine and Cheese Reception May 23 at Wainwright House.
Over 20 volunteers mingled and shared stories at SPRYE’s Volunteer Wine and Cheese Reception May 23 at Wainwright House. Each volunteer received a certificate of appreciation and a rose for the many hours they have dedicated. Volunteer efforts have provided essential services to members, such as transportation, handyman help, friendly visits, and office support.
Next up for SPRYE members is a monthly current events discussion/breakfast meeting, July 11 at 9 a.m. at the Port Chester Diner.
If anyone needs a ride to the Rye Farmer’s Market, July 15 at 10 a.m., drivers will be available to provide round-trip rides. Call 481-5706.
On July 18, Chris Cohan, an award-winning landscape architect from Rye, will give a free presentation, “How Does Your Garden Grow: Hot Tips for Cool Gardeners”, at Wainwright House from 3-4:30 p.m.