Adam Levi, Arts School Director for The Rye Arts Center, hasn’t been resting on his laurels. He created a QR code that embeds the arts center’s logo into a two-dimensional barcode.
Adam Levi, Arts School Director for The Rye Arts Center, hasn’t been resting on his laurels. He created a QR code that embeds the arts center’s logo into a two-dimensional barcode. When scanned, it takes the user directly to the RAC website. QR (or quick response) codes seem to be everywhere these days in ads, magazines, and newspapers. But what makes Mr. Levi’s code so different is both its sheer size, combined with its functionality for users of iPhones, Androids, and other smartphones.
Next time you’re at the arts center, scan it!
The introduction of the QR code represents the kick off to the center’s summer programs. The first 20 families to sign up for a RAC summer class will receive a tote bag featuring the code. For more info, visit