James Jordan Stavrides, a lifelong resident of Rye, passed away peacefully at his home on May 4, 2024. He was 56 years old. James was a loving son, brother, godfather, and uncle. He had countless numbers of friends who loved him dearly. He was affectionally nicknamed “Jimmy the Greek” by his friends.
Born in Port Chester, NY on Dec. 21, 1967, he was the son of Jordan and Cleo Stavrides. He attended Midland Elementary School, Rye Middle School, and Rye High School. He loved all sports, and excelled most at playing football at Rye High School. He graduated from the State University of New York at Cortland in 1991.
After his college graduation, Jimmy went on to work in a few different occupations. He learned the auto mechanics trade by working with his uncle Tasso for many years. He took ownership of the Midland Deli in 2003 for a few years, and eventually transformed the deli into Greek’s Pizza Kitchen in 2009. He coached boys’ basketball for the Catholic Youth Organization at Resurrection School in Rye. He was also a volunteer firefighter for the Hook & Ladder Company in Rye. He played softball at the Rye Rec for the Rye Fire department and the Rye Roadhouse.
Later on, Jimmy decided he wanted to try his hand at teaching, and went back to school to get his master’s in education. He was employed at Riverside High School for the Yonkers City School District, and taught high school earth science. He loved teaching, and was so proud of his students. He coached a few different sports during his tenure at Riverside High School. His family received an outpouring of messages of condolences and prayers from his students and staff, and they made a beautiful and loving memory wall at the door of his classroom.
Jimmy enjoyed life to its very fullest. He was quick with a joke and could make an entire room roar with laughter. He bought a cabin in upstate New York, and fixing and remodeling it was his biggest endeavor. He loved to hike and ski and relax with friends and family and enjoy the great outdoors while sitting on his cabin patio.
Jimmy is survived by his mother, Cleo Stavrides, his sister Susan (Greg) Venuto, his sister Theresa (Larry) DeLorenzo, his brother Nicholas Stavrides, his uncle Tasso Anastasoglou, and his loving partner Michelle Williams. He is also survived by his nieces Julietta Venuto and Kristin DeLorenzo, and his nephew Jason Venuto. His father Jordan predeceased him in 2015.
A wake was held on Wednesday, May 8 at Graham Funeral Home from. A funeral mass and burial was held on Thursday, May 9 at the Greek Church of Our Savior in Rye, NY.