The Rye City Republican Committee is pleased to announce that Jana Seitz will run for City Council in the November election. The Committee endorsed her candidacy for the seat vacated last month by Councilmember Pam Tarlow, who resigned because she was moving out of the city.
Seitz has a history of commitment to issues important to Rye citizens. She is currently the President of the Friends of Read Wildlife Sanctuary and has served as a Trustee and Vice President of the Rye Free Reading Room, as well as on the Rye City TV Committee. She is also a member of both the Playland Advisory and Rye City Deer Management committees.
Long involved in forging solutions to municipal infrastructure issues, Seitz toured Bowman Dam with members of the Flood Mitigation team and studied Blind Brook flood patterns after Hurricane Sandy. Working in concert with local nonprofits and merchants, she created the Fall Festival at Edith Read and co-founded Rye Nature Center’s summer Paddle Adventure Camp, which engages young teens in kayaking and hiking expeditions around the region. A contributing columnist to The Rye Record, she writes about local history, natural history, and outdoor adventure with aplomb. She was recently honored with The Osborn Foundation’s Women Who Make a Difference Award.
“Jana has demonstrated an effective and inclusive approach to all of her community efforts. Her desire to address and resolve challenges is truly impressive,” said Rye GOP Chair Elaine DiCostanzo.
Originally from Monroe, Louisiana, Seitz received a BA in English and Public Relations from Southern Methodist University. Jana and her husband Andy have two children, Kate, a rising sophomore at Rye High School, and Joe, a 2021 graduate of Rye High.
In making her announcement, Seitz stated, “I would be honored to have the opportunity to serve, by working with the Mayor and City Council and by listening to the concerns and ideas of all Rye citizens.”