To the Editor:
I am writing to express my agreement with Councilman Bill Henderson’s letter to the editor in The Rye Record concerning Westchester Power.
That the Rye City Council would deign to make the financial decision to change my electric power supplier from Con Ed to another private company, Constellation NewEnergy, Inc., I find appalling and disgraceful.
This change is set up to ensure that as few people as possible object to the change since it requires an “opt out.”
Rather, if they felt it was in the community’s interest to change suppliers due to environmental concerns, they could have informed residents of these concerns and laid out the options for residents, allowing them to make the decision rather than the City Council.
I would also like to know who conducted the “competitive procurement process,” and which companies participated and what their proposals were.
I analyzed my Con Ed bills from the past 12 months and compared my cost versus Westchester Power’s cost of $0.13298/kwh. I found that Westchester Power would have cost me 37.7 percent more than I paid for Con Ed.
Government has no business making these private financial decisions.
-Tom Wynne