To the Editor,
The search for the next Superintendent of Schools is well underway. The Board of Education is committed to conducting a comprehensive and thoughtful search process. We value your input as a key component in the development of the search specifications used to create a Leadership Profile. The Leadership Profile will be a guiding framework for recruiting and vetting candidates. The Board of Education hopes you will take the opportunity to complete the online survey and/or participate in one of the upcoming community forums.
The survey will be conducted by Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates (HYA), the search firm hired by the Board of Education. Responses to the survey will be anonymous and the survey will be available in English, Spanish, and Japanese.
The survey is available online here and will be available on the Superintendent Search page of the RCSD website and will remain open until January 22nd at 5pm.
We also invite you to attend either of the two community forums, to be held on:
- Jan. 14 @ 930 a.m. (Milton School Auditorium)
- Jan. 15 @ 7 p.m. via Zoom ( – Meeting ID: 858 8893 0037 Passcode: 340851)
Whether you attend a community forum, complete the survey, or do both, the Board appreciates your willingness to provide your input!
For more information about the Superintendent search in general please visit the District’s website at
The Board of Education
Jane A. Anderson, president; Jennifer Boyle, vice president; Callie Erickson, Shaun Kloepfer, Valerie Lapham, Matt Schibanoff, and Tom Stein