Angelina and David Cyr Jr. announce the birth of a daughter, Celia Rose Cyr, April 16 at Putnam Hospital. She weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces and was 19.25 inches long. Celia Rose is the first baby born to a female officer within the City of Rye Police Department.
Her maternal grandparents, Teresina and Caesar Santonastaso Jr., live in Rye. Her paternal grandparents are David and Barbara Cyr of Gallatin, Tennessee, and Dale and Marie Broscha of Middletown, Connecticut.
Kristina and Bill Miller announce the birth of a son, Logan Robert Miller, July 30 at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital. He weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces.
His paternal grandparents are Marilyn and Hyman Miller of Rye. His maternal grandparents, Eileen and Joseph Bada, live in Cape May, N.J.
Brownie Blessings
Rye Brownie Troop 1601 continues to give back to the community. The girls, all second graders at Osborn Elementary, chose to donate a portion of the proceeds from their cookie sales last year to help three local sites.
This month the Troop donated food for the guinea pigs, rabbits, and ferrets at Rye Nature Center. The girls learned about the habitats of different animals and the effects of severe weather on those that live in our community. They enjoyed petting the chinchilla, guinea pig, rabbit, and dove, and observing the feeding habits of turtles, frogs, and toads.
Next month the Troop will visit the Carver Center.
Festivities at the Fair
The annual Twig Holiday Fair, held November 18 and 19 at Apawamis Club, set a fundraising record for the organization that helps support so many local health care initiatives. If you missed the wondrous event, you can still stop by The Twig Shop on Smith Street for a great selection of gifts.
— Photos by Michelle Florence