All the News — That’s Fit to Share With Scouts
Members of Lucky Den 13, Rye Pack 2 came to learn how a newspaper works on a “go-see-it” one recent Saturday morning. We were between issues, and in the process of moving our offices, so they also gained insight into why it’s important to file early and often.
The Cubs all first graders, overlooked the mess and got down to the business of asking questions. One of them reported he’d been featured in a past issue — Sports, not the Police Blotter. They were interested to see some of the changes we’d made in style and content over the past 15 years. They were also happy to meet Reggie, the rescue dog, who’s often in the newspaper when it’s a slow news day.
Memo to Den leaders Ned Kirk and Rob Field: the boys were extremely polite, curious, and attentive. We were sorry not to meet the other three members. It was too early to buy them a cone at Longford’s, as promised, but we keep our promises. So come back soon.
A Sweet Sixteen Seniors
Rye Recreation knows how to celebrate big birthdays. On January 11, they and 125 members of Rye Seniors feted 16 who turned 90 or are about to. The group kicked off the New Year in style while honoring the milestone. They enjoyed lunch catered by Post Road Market, complete with scrumptious birthday cakes.
Congratulations and good health to all.
Our Man of the Year
Lloyd Emanuel received the USTA Eastern section’s Leslie J. FitzGibbon Man of the Year award at a banquet at the Westchester Renaissance Hotel in White Plains January 21. The Rye resident was honored for his long and outstanding volunteerism.
A competitive tennis player from the age of 12, Mr. Emanuel is head pro at Fairview Country Club in Greenwich and senior pro at Sound Shore Indoor Tennis in Port Chester.
— Photo by James Alfalla/USTA Eastern