Nancy and Richard Neuman
New Cast on “The Neuman Show”
Don’t get Nancy Neuman wrong — she loves the real estate business. She’s been in it for 48 years and they’ve been banner years. In 1975, she started her own firm, Country Properties. She built it into a successful agency, sold it to Coldwell Banker, and managed to hold on to the top job until a few weeks ago when she decided to hand off the office manager baton and return to being a sales broker.
But she has three children, nine grandchildren, and a husband of 55 years whom she takes ancient Greek History classes with and she’d like to spend more time with them and occasionally even kick up her heels.
“To be honest, I want to go down another avenue in real estate, without having to go to meetings and dealing with ever-changing technology,” Neuman said in a recent interview. “I want to guide and teach agents coming up in the business to act ethically, professionally, and appropriately, something we’re losing.”
Enter Richard Neuman, one of her three sons, “who knows the business by osmosis!” quipped Nancy.
Richard, who earned his real estate license three years ago and is currently developing a property management company, brings a breadth of experience to his new job as a Coldwell sales agent. Previously, he was in television production at CBS Sports and in the restaurant business — interesting, but not typically lucrative careers. For the last 15 years, he has worked with his father, Michael Neuman, in the oil and gas investment business.
“I’m here to embrace the real estate industry and the sales methods that have evolved in recent years,” he said. In the last year he has sold a house in Greenwich, just got a listing on Lincoln Lane, and is managing a number of properties. “I have all the contacts I need to be a full-service agent.”
His mother proudly added, “Richard not only brings good energy to the office, but he’s really good at staging homes!”
Nancy and Richard Neuman are looking forward to a lot more years of working together. She’ll leave the technology and social media to him and he trusts her to continue by the old-school playbook that has served her and the community so well.
At the end of the interview, mother and son dashed off to a meeting with a new client. “Turns out our plumber recommended us,” she said brightly.