11/4 Say it ain’t snow. Illegally parked vehicles, Highland Road/Wappanocca Avenue. Snow ordinance warning issued.
11/4 Milton Harbor House guard reported person lingering around the property, 1:56 a.m. Upon arrival, guard stated individual was picked up by black vehicle.
11/3 Easy, people. Caller reported there seemed to be the shadow of a noose tied to tree, stated image was projected onto surface of tree, Roosevelt Avenue/Rosemere Street. Was shadow of broken phone cable wrapped around utility wires cast on tree by nearby streetlight.
11/3 Overkill. Caller reported excessive number of leaf blowers in operation, Overdale Road, 11:32 a.m.
11/3 Milton Road caller stated she was followed by strange white male with short brown hair, wearing light gray sweater. Said he was in parking lot across from Blind Brook Lodge, 6:06 a.m. GOA.
11/2 Say again? Vale Place caller stated racoon was in their recycle bin. Found animal asleep in trash can. Advised party to release racoon at nighttime.
11/2 Central Avenue complainant reported someone keyed his wife’s car, broke window overnight.
11/1 Ridgefield, Conn. PD reported Rye party involved in MVA left scene in light blue BMW. Spoke with said party and mom.
11/1 Ground zero for this offense – time for left turn signal. Rules of the Road, failure to yield left turn, Cedar/Purchase streets. Summons.
11/1 Loud group of teens in street causing disturbance, Barlow Lane/Neil Place, 12:20 a.m. Parties were walking home.
10/31 Working fire reported inside Overlook Place home. Fire extinguished upon RFD arrival.
10/31 Catch and release. Caller stated driver of black Nissan Frontier was all over road, drove over curb near Marriott, Midland Avenue. Vehicle operator appeared to have slurred speech, odor of alcoholic beverage not detected. Test showed no sign of impairment. Driver released without warning.
10/30 Intoxicated party, BPR/Purdy Avenue. Male taken to Greenwich Hospital.
10/30 Forest Avenue complainant stated cell phone number was stolen, personal information compromised.
10/30 Tolls for thee. Stolen E–Z Pass reported, Waters Edge.
10/29 SUV reported blocking Maple Avenue driveway.
10/29 Barron Place resident wanted to document signs being taken off his property, mischief. Sworn statement completed by caller.
10/28 Name of van Winkle? Uber driver reported issue with passenger who would not wake up, Purchase Street.
10/27 Joint maneuvers. Rules of the Road summons issued by officer, marijuana confiscated for destruction by detective division, Old Post Road/Thruway Access Drive.
10/27 Fed exit. Assisted FBI agents with unwanted party on their property. Party left via Florida plated vehicle, 9:38 a.m.
10/26 Group of youths riding bicycles in roadway, yelling at people, cursing. Officer had spoken to them prior to call, told them to keep to side of road.
10/24 Caller from Playland Market stated female was cursing, yelling racial epithets at passersby, 9:25 p.m. Three units dispatched. Party removed to Greenwich Hospital. Her vehicle was left in parking lot.
10/24 Cue “Ode to Joy”! Extra patrol of Purchase Plaza. Several youths on bikes asked to dismount, walk.
10/24 Complainant called regarding dead, dying squirrels near her Purchase Street business. Stated she thought they were being poisoned. Squirrel was removed from area, brought to Rye Nature Center to rest in peace.