11/30 Well, doggone. Locust Lane caller stated neighbor’s front door was wide open, dogs had escaped. Spoke to caller and another neighbor, checked interior, all appeared in order, resident not home. Put dogs inside, locked door.
12/2 Good tidings. Minor flooding along Milton Road by Hewlett Avenue due to high tide. Tide heading out, road passable.
12/1 Caller stated someone had backed into his car, Purchase Street/West Purdy Avenue, noon. Driver of vehicle causing problem did not have driver’s license. Summons issued.
12/1 Oakland Beach Avenue caller reported suspicious white van. Neighbor recently had larceny from vehicle. GOA.
11/30 Sound advice. Rye Beach Avenue complainant stated group was having party, making excessive noise. Advised homeowner to lower volume.
11/30 Lyft driver stated passenger in his car was passed out, couldn’t wake her up, Milton/Palisade roads, 4:37 a.m. Officer followed driver to destination, made sure passenger safely entered house.
11/30 Caller reported drag racing in Playland parking lot, 4:41 p.m. Second caller stated vehicle was blue. Located vehicle, driver with junior license, two passengers. Parties turned over to their parents.
11/30 Not to mention, rudely. Vehicle illegally parked out-of-space on solid white lines, Station Plaza. Summons issued.
11/28 Calls regarding noise from large group outside Rye Grill & Bar, 2:01 a.m. Broke up group, told them to leave premise.
11/28 At approximately 3:45 a.m., female walked into HQ with blood on her hands, face; one shoe on, speaking incoherently. Duty officers attempted to find out what had happened to her as she intermittently talked, sobbed. She looked for identification in purse, told officers her name. EMS responded, took her to ER.
11/28 Intoxicated man reported in Starbucks, 6:50 a.m. Woke man up. He gathered his things, then walked to train station.
11/28 Hit-and-run MVA, Cottage Street/Midland Avenue. Unknown vehicle fled the scene.
11/27 Caller stated there was large group of youths trespassing on Blind Brook Lodge property, some sitting on parked car, others running in/out of garage area, 12:50 p.m. GOA.
11/27 Caller reported white male, approximately 60, wearing blue ski jacket, carrying purse, appeared to be in distress. Party was found to be in good health, waiting for taxi. Went on his way.
11/25 Complainant wanted to document ongoing tension with co-worker at Rye Post Office.
11/25 Nyet-flix. Multiple Verizon/Optimum wires reported down on Turf/Forest avenues. Companies notified.
11/25 Alarming. Soundview Avenue caller stated suspicious male with blue jacket, gray pants came to his house to solicit for alarm company he currently has. Left in white BMW. GOA. No other calls.
11/24 Kirby Lane was close to being impassable due to rising water, 8:45 a.m.
11/24 Lynden Street caller reported smoke coming from neighbor’s house. Condition investigated. Determined to be vapor from dryer vent.
11/24 Complainant stated Connecticut vehicle struck her car, attempted to leave scene.
11/23 Ellsworth Street caller reported male youth on roof, possibly holding pillow, potential safety issue.
11/23 Statement taken from resident regarding video of two males exiting vehicle during early morning hours and entering his Vale Place driveway.
11/23 Loud music reported in area of Harding Drive, 11:34 p.m. Music shut off.
11/22 Re-leash the hounds. Orchard Avenue caller reported stray dogs on his porch, 1:55 a.m. Dogs returned to owner on Mead Place.
11/22 Fool shot. CVS employees stated there were unruly kids outside store who refused a request to leave the property. Spoke to manager, reviewed video, no good angles of youths.
11/22 Caller reported two white males going door-to-door in Forest/Gramercy avenue area, wearing “work clothes”. Did not have vehicle with them. Spoke to two males who were asking for donations for Jesus, recommended they go to City Hall to obtain Do-Not-Knock list and permit. Warning issued.
11/22 Walk-in reported traffic hindrance, Highland Road/Purchase Street. Upon arrival, found barricades blown down by wind. Two drivers complained their vehicles were damaged by cones they hit. DPW notified. Placed better barricades at location.
11/22 Multiple callers reported vehicle crashed into fountain at Blind Brook Lodge. Party was still inside vehicle. EMS dispatched.
11/21 Caller reported landlord entered his apartment without authorization, 12:30 a.m. Sworn statement completed by landlord, tenants.
11/21 Party stated her Bird Lane neighbor’s teenage son came outside with rifle, fired couple of rounds, ran back into home, 2:46 p.m.
11/20 Named “Reveille”? Barking dog reported, Barlow Lane, 4:47 a.m. Upon arrival, observed dog in backyard barking. Notified homeowner. She agreed to bring dog in.
11/20 Con Edison yard security requested police presence for long-haired party wearing all black, acting suspicious.
11/20 Assistance requested for removing intoxicated male from northbound Metro- North train. Was giving conductor hard time.
11/20 Wrenching experience. Large, balding, white male, wearing tan pants, black sweater walking around Overlook Place area looking over his shoulder, acting suspicious. Was plumber, working at Newberry Place home.