Visiting from another PLANET?! Forest Avenue caller reported estimated 50 people on lawn in Milton Point area. Numerous vehicles were blocking roadway as well as many people gathered on property where there was a food truck serving the individuals attending child’s birthday party. Vehicles moved from roadway. Party ended, 5:46 p.m.
4/21 Mining the gap. Greenhaven Road caller reported leaf blowers being used in the area, 10:31 a.m. GOA, 10:53 a.m.
4/21 Female caller reported husband tested positive for Covid-19, needed transport to White Plains Hospital, 8:20 a.m.
4/20 Chanel No. Nein. Strange odor of unknown source reported in areas of both Garden Drive and Indian Hill Road. Possible sewage smell. Requested DPW assistance.
4/20 Complainant stated kids were hiding behind Rye Rec backboard wall causing noise, 4:53 p.m. Parties were asked to leave.
4/20 Caller reported leaf blowers in use, Milton Road/Stuyvesant Avenue, 12:56 p.m. Upon arrival, 1:02 p.m., no leaf blowers in use. Landscapers in area provided with copy of new restrictions.
4/20 May arrives early this year. Leaf blowers in use, Chester/Douglas drives, noon. Warning issued, 12:09 p.m.
4/19 Hook. Suspicious person. Caller reported parties playing golf despite course closing, Rye Golf Club, 7:10 p.m. Person identified, reported to security.
4/19 Caller reported water running all day, possible main break, Eleanor Street/York Avenue, 5:15 p.m. Water main was leaking water through saw cut in roadway. Water company notified.
4/19 Chain gang. Caller stated several youths were on bicycles looking into vehicles with flashlights in area of Griffin Place/Oakland Beach Avenue, 12:29 a.m. Canvassed area, unfounded.
4/18 Suspicious person. Natoma Street caller stated male exited BMW carrying white bag, tried to open her front door. He then went next door, tried to open neighbor’s front door. Last seen at intersection with Purchase Street, 7:46 p.m.
4/18 City Code violation, leaf blowers in use, Old Post Road, 10 a.m. Operator hadn’t received updated ban notice.
4/17 Peck Avenue resident reported being scammed into giving access to his computer. Wanted to file report.
4/16 Seeking Sank-tuary. Caller stated he had driven his car onto Edith Read beach, was stuck in sand, 8:35 p.m. WCPD, tow on scene.
4/16 Prowler reported, Barron Place, 12:06 p.m.
4/11 Verizon store employee reported two suspicious males who he believed were fraudulently attempting to acquire phones. Parties left scene.
4/11 Ambulance request. Sylvan Place resident with Covid-19 needed to go to hospital.
4/9 Hello. It’s 6 p.m., do you know where your children are? Neighborhood trouble. Dispersed group not following social distancing order at High School football field.
4/8 Causing a Cuomo-tion. Caller reported illegal construction in defiance of governor’s cease work order, Barlow/Harbor lanes, 1:12 p.m. Rye Building Department on scene. Situation corrected.