‘Twas the eve of the New Year, and here at the club,
Our gang was assembled, enjoying the grub
‘Twas the eve of the New Year, and here at the club,
Our gang was assembled, enjoying the grub
Recalling events of the year that just passed
And guessing how long The Donald would last.
While the Euro fell badly, but not out of bed,
Millions of migrants to Europe have fled.
Le Pen didn’t win and Greece didn’t grexit,
But Britain might opt for an even worse brexit.
When Iran was mentioned, there arose such a clatter
We deemed it was best to table the matter.
The same goes for ISIS, Sunnis, and Alewites,
Not to mention the drones as well as the satellites.
Ferguson, Charleston, Chicago, and Baltimore,
We grieve and we hope our leaders could do more
About gun deaths, Congress and racial relations
While better defining our role among nations.
But enough of the grim and worries of old,
There are bright days ahead that are soon to unfold.
With inflation still low, and the dollar still strong,
Now dash away, dash away with your sarong.
To a tropical place or a health healing spa,
Whatever will suit as your Shangri-la.
But be sure to return here by this time next year.
In the meantime be well and full of good cheer!
— Paul Hicks