Police Blotter 1-25-13

  1/22: Extra school zone patrols, 8:30 a.m.   1/22: How gauche. Moving violation, warning issued. Left turn onto Purchase Street from Elm.   1/22: RHS caller reported […]

February 6, 2013
8 min read


1/22: Extra school zone patrols, 8:30 a.m.


1/22: How gauche. Moving violation, warning issued. Left turn onto Purchase Street from Elm.


1/22: RHS caller reported vandalism. School vehicles marked with anti-Semitic graffiti, windows broken in every Milton Road trailer classroom. Incident referred to Detective Division.


1/21: Horton Street, Elmwood Avenue, Dearborn Avenue along Forest Avenue, illegally parked vehicles, snow ordinance, summonses issued.


1/21: Dock Deli owner reported someone tried to kick in his back door.


1/21: Walk-in wished to report suspicious activity on her credit card.


1/21: Snowball effect. Oakwood/Dearborn/Hewlett avenues, Park Lane, Redfield Street, several other roadways, snow ordinance summonses issued.


1/21: Purchase/Cedar Streets intersection flooded, damaged due to excessive water. Water company advised.


1/21: Grace Church Street resident stated unknown male in vehicle in driveway. Party stated he was delivering package and was unsure of being in right location.


1/19: Playland Parkway/I-95, vehicle stopped, driver not wearing seat belt. Summons issued.


1/19: Rosemere, Adelaide streets/Roosevelt Avenue, snow ordinance summonses issued.


1/19: Purchase/Cedar streets, icy road condition reported at intersection due to underground water leak.


1/19: Work halted, Halsted Place/Dearborn Avenue property, 9:09 a.m. due to City Code 10 a.m. start violation.


1/19: Burst water pipe, Lavender Lane residence. Turned water off, resident notified.


1/19: Do not bend to pet. Loose white/brown pit bull reported in Maple Avenue/Nursery Lane area.


1/19: Female reported waving at passing cars, Theall Road. Needed directions.


1/18: At your service? Rye Road resident requested officers pass by her house and check if lights on. She would not be returning home at night.


1/18: iPhone 4 reported stolen at YMCA.


1/17: Caller reported van parked on city property for several weeks. Vehicle legally parked, belonged to party residing nearby.


1/17: Coyote reported in Evergreen Avenue yard, 3 p.m.


1/17: Milton Road caller reported van parked on city property for several weeks. Vehicle legally parked, belonged to party residing a few houses away from caller.


1/16: DPW notified of slick, icy roads, 1:35 a.m.


1/16: Like the flu, too much of it going around. Complainant called to report an identity theft.


1/16: Man requested help locating longtime friend whose phone was disconnected.


1/16: Caller reported red Mercedes convertible struck her vehicle and left scene.


1/16: Walk-in reported unauthorized use of his checking accounts.


1/16: Walk-in reported unknown parties calling his phone numerous times during day.


1/16: Horton Street caller reported unknown person banging on her door. Male wearing dark pea coat driving a black sedan.


1/15: Silent treatment. Complaint of noisy dog, Cedar Place. Resident advised to bring dog inside.


1/14: Possible larceny reported at CVS. Suspect was dark skinned male wearing glasses and bubble jacket. Staff not certain he took something, video given to Detective Division. Staff will file report if inventory reveals something missing. Canvassed surrounding area, train station, negative results.


1/14: Cable car. Larceny reported. Car entered Con Ed yard, removed cables.


1/14: Report of unknown person pointing laser point beam to woman’s head. Checked Oakland Beach area with negative results. No complaint filed.


1/14: Report of elderly man’s vehicle striking a Purchase Street building. Building OK. Vehicle removed by tow company.


1/13: Off-road vehicle! Dark jeep reported jumping Purdy Avenue curb, over grass, sod, bushes, then striking sign, causing front-end damage. Sped from scene.


1/12: Check on a report of female party arguing with male on Palisade Road. Officer dispatched.


1/12: Fraudulent Kohl’s credit card account reported opened without permission. Notification made to company.


1/12: Hall’s Lane caller reported suspicious vehicle parked in front of his house, Maryland plates. Vehicle registration valid.


1/12: Collared! Officer arrived at bank on report manager had lost dog inside bank. Found owner name on collar. Dog, owner reunited at bank.


1/11: 8:15 a.m. City Code violation, Reymont Avenue/Sonn Drive, Rock blasting reported. Violators advised of proper starting time.


1/11: Caller reported Buffalo P.D. notified him of unauthorized Walmart purchases on his credit card. Arrest made.


1/11: Problem in CVS reported between manager, elderly man.


1/11: Report of youth running into street near Midland School making vehicles stop short.


1/11: Parsons Street/Milton Road, extra presence for basketball game.


1/10: Extra patrol, Osborn School area, 8:30 a.m.


1/10: DPW found open front door at Allendale Drive residence, checked interior, all appeared normal and in order, resident not home.


1/10: Extra patrol RHS/RMS area, 9:30 a.m.


1/10: Dog-gone, girl. Lost small white curly-haired dog found by girl near Goldwin Street/Midland Avenue. Owner located.


1/10: Sandy’s long trail. Suspicious persons reported, Overlook/Hayward places. Parties checked out, Westchester County Hurricane Assistance workers.


1/10: Offer they can’t refuse? City Code violation, Dogwood Lane. Yard debris in roadway for over month. No answer at door. Officer left note regarding debris removal in mailbox.


1/10: Caller reported 11 cell phones, AT&T service purchased using his personal information, including S.S. number.


1/9: All Lit Up. Unknown group dragged at least five Christmas trees from Florence/Park avenues area, placed trees in middle of roadway, then set afire. Trees burnt out upon arrival, glass gin bottle, beer can found in close proximity along roadway. RFD on scene to extinguish hot embers, spread salt.


1/9: All Lit Up II. Forest Avenue/Pine Island resident reported he believes hunters hunting on his property. Stated he is not against duck hunting, only duck hunters cheating using flashlights to shoot more ducks. May be getting birdshot on his property.


1/9: Pine Lane caller stated youths looking into garage at neighbor’s house across street. Upon arrival, officer spoke with youth who said he was just passing through with friend. Advised it was private property and to move along.


1/9: Rogue rage. Nissan driver, described by caller as “rogue” male, reported in road rage incident with DPW employee, Oakland Beach Avenue.


1/9: Brevoort Lane caller reported well dressed male in his 40s repeatedly ringing the doorbell.


1/9: Report of disoriented coyote, Playland Parkway/Midland Avenue, 7:45 p.m.


1/8: Caller reported suspicious male walking southbound on BPR, vicinity of Osborn School, long blond hair, gray jacket with bulge under arm. Canvassed area, negative results.


1/8: Month-old baby locked in vehicle, Clinton Avenue. RFD gained access. All OK.


1/7: Extra patrol, RHS/RMS.


1/7: Pine Island duck hunters reported setting up too close to property lines.


1/6: Motorist stopped, Milton Road/Hewlett Avenue. No valid NYS license. Suspension due to failure to answer summons. Vehicle towed.


1/6: Stonycrest/Boulder roads resident heard shotgun fire in area. Duck hunting.


1/5: Lake Avenue caller reported his 2002 Acura RL removed from his driveway overnight.


1/5: Second Lake Avenue complainant stated property stolen from vehicle.


1/5: Kanye, please turn that thing off? Caller reported loud obscene music, Disbrow Park.


1/4: Suspicious person reported near RHS, male, gray hoodie, burgundy pants.


1/4: Greenhaven Road caller stated possible gunfire in area. Second call reported 8 to 9 shots fired in Brevoort Lane area. Turned out to be fireworks.


1/3: Larceny reported on Milton Road. Missing jewelry.


1/2: Suspicious box truck reported running engine in front of Walker Avenue residence. Party just “thinking,” winding down from his day before going home.


1/2: Report of city truck running into employee’s vehicle at Disbrow Park.


1/1: May all acquaintance… Soundview Avenue caller reported people in front of his neighbor’s house being loud. Large group of drunk and disorderly youths.


1/1: …Be forgot! 1:33 a.m. Soundview Avenue caller reported house to left of his hosting party with underage drinking. Party shut down.


1/1: Must know serial number to collect. Walk-in reported finding $20 bill at the Nature Center. Recovered money sheet filed, money placed in evidence locker.


1/1: Caller reported rig stuck under bridge near Locust/Theodore Fremd avenues. 9:18 p.m.


12/31: Marriott manager stated group of 15-20 youths in courtyard, maybe starting a fire on first-floor balcony. Youths fled upon arrival. Unit checked, no parties left. Hotel staff to recoup any loss from credit card on file.


12/30: Caller reported suspicious vehicle parked across from her Midland Avenue home, engine running, wheels to curb. Summons issued on previous patrol.


12/30: Glendale Road caller reported suspicious maroon Jetta driving back and forth checking out the neighborhood. Turned out to be pizza delivery person.


12/29: Donut do this again! Reckless driver doing “donuts” in Playland parking lot. Arrested for DWI, reckless driving, trespassing.


12/29: Marriott manager stated guest told her red Honda parked out front had driver’s door open all night. Cash and phone still in car. Appeared not to be larceny.


12/29: Caller reported hearing gunshots, Playland Park.


12/29: Caller stated he was away and son’s friend saw his car being driven around town. Car supposed to be locked in garage. Checked garage with negative results.


12/28: Speedy little guy. Complainant stated brown and white pit bull loose in Gagliardo Park. GOA.


12/27: Passerby reported fallen woman in Station Plaza near Peck Avenue. Officer found woman staggering in parking lot, appeared highly intoxicated and uncooperative. EMS called, party taken to Greenwich Hospital.


12/27: Harder to get in than out. Missing person located in Queens, reported missing 08/11/09. Attempt to contact Rye Hospital. No answer.


12/26: Loose pit bull reported, High Street/Maple Avenue, white with brown spots.


12/24: Marriott staff reported issues with guests: noise, too many people, drunkenness. Condition corrected. Parties escorted from room.


12/24: Report of male in Santa cap selling candy door-to-door, Florence Avenue/Glen Oaks Drive.


12/24: Report of male wearing Santa hat soliciting, Hix/Lindbergh avenues.


12/24: Caller reported man firing shotgun at Shenorock Shore Club. Hix Avenue resident advised of code. Did caller have bright and shiny nose?


12/23: Modern Family. Maple Avenue caller reported neighbors downstairs screaming, yelling, slamming doors.


12/23: Manursing/Davis avenues area caller reported gray BMW mini speeding up and down street.


12/23: Laurel Street caller reported brother-in-law left in intoxicated condition in black Nissan Sentra.


12/22: Garbage can left atop vehicle at Rye High. Security camera angle may have captured perps on tape.


12/22: Rock thrown through window of Maple Avenue residence.


12/20: Midland School caller reported parent being disruptive.


12/20: Passerby reported box truck stuck under Purchase Street railroad trestle.


12/19: Hello!? NYSP trooper contacted RPD regarding person reported missing from Rye Hospital. Several unsuccessful attempts made to reach relative and hospital. Based on age of subject, RPD referred subject’s current address to Detective Division for follow-up.


12/19: Caller reported her vehicle struck by another vehicle while parked I/F/O 14 Purchase Street. Offending vehicle left scene.


12/18: Saltwater Battery. Westchester CC Beach Club. Caller reported two men in gray SUV struck his vehicle passenger taillight with bat and fled toward Manursing Island Club.


12/18: Extra patrols, RHS/RMS, Rye Presbyterian Nursery School, Osborn School areas.


12/18: Complainant reported attempts made to open credit card accounts using his personal information.


12/18: iGotchya. Complainant reported she used her phone at Rye Beach Pharmacy. Phone missing when she returned home, traced phone to Elmwood Avenue address.


12/18: Red Mini Cooper reported parked at Gagliardo lot, no plates. Officer identified, recovered stolen vehicle.


12/18: Like a good neighbor. Beck Avenue resident reported her elderly neighbors’ car lights on in driveway. Officer found car unlocked and turned off lights.


12/17: Marriott Courtyard manager reported individuals causing disturbance outside lobby after being advised hotel was sold-out, unable to accept additional guests. Condition corrected.


12/17: Extra patrols at Rye High, Middle and Osborn school areas.


12/17: One too many. City Code violation issued, Walnut Street/Orchard Avenue. Operator advised only one leaf blower permitted on premise with wheeled device.


12/17: City Code violation. Maple Avenue caller reported TVs, furniture on sidewalk for over a week. No answer at residence.


12/17: Extra patrol at RHS/RMS.


12/17: Caller complained neighbor spread dog feces on sidewalk in front of his house.


12/17: Neighbor staring at children reported, Midland Avenue.


12/16: Apawamis Avenue caller reported theft of snow thrower from garage.


12/16: York Avenue caller reported odor of gas outside. Slight odor confirmed, advised Dispatch to notify Con Ed.


12/16: Public event patrol for candlelight vigil in remembrance of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims, City Hall.


12/15: ATM alarm sounding at Wells Fargo branch on Purdy. All appeared okay, alarm may need repair.


12/15: Dearborn Avenue caller stated white male in early 20s wearing light blue sweatshirt was in his yard and ran off, 11 p.m.


12/15: Harbor Terrace caller reported group of youths running through property, waking up his children, 11:09 p.m. 


12/14: Coyote sighted, Red Oak Drive, 6:20 a.m.


12/14: Coyote sighted, Milton Road/Apawamis Avenue, 7:06 a.m.


12/13: Maybe his book was Scoobie-due? Lost dog Scooby by library. Kept for owner at HQ due to cold weather.


12/12: Red Oak Drive resident reported strong sewage smell in area. DPW confirmed smell, will investigate.


12/12: Property reported stolen from vehicle, Greenhaven Road.


12/12: iMCA. Complainant reported iPhone lost/stolen from YMCA.


12/12: Oakwood/Forest avenues area resident reported suspicious person selling roofing materials door-to-door.


12/11: Pizzeria owner reported black Honda Accord with blacked-out windows circling establishment several times, driving slowly near banks.


12/11: Purchase Street store employees reported known shoplifter in their store.


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