1/21 We-Haul. Caller reported his trailer missing. Was left on private property, towed by owner’s private tow company, CVS.
1/21 Caller stated vehicles were parked illegally along Maple Avenue. Belonged to construction site and were parking on Maple against posted rules. Spoke with project manager who promised they would get cars moved to Central Avenue.
1/20 Grand Larceny. Walk-in reported he purchased a car, and it may have been stolen.
1/20 Village Social employee wanted party removed. Transported to Greenwich Hospital.
1/20 Scofflaw vehicle impounded, towed by Vincent’s.
1/19 Walk-in reported lost wallet. Incident occurred outside Rye jurisdiction. Party referred to proper PD.
1/18 R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Construction on holiday, Rickbern Street. Warning issued, done for the day. Other violations on Shore Road and Forest Avenue. Hughes Avenue site was shut down for the day after complaint.
1/17 Caller reported her husband was assaulted at Kelly’s Sea Level.
1/17 Caller stated she observed male, approximately 6 feet tall, wearing gray sweatshirt, colorful face mask, black or navy pants, relieving himself in the brook by Rye Nature Center. Canvassed area multiple times with no results.
1/17 Purchase Street caller said she had locked herself in the basement and needed assistance getting out.
1/17 Complainant called to report two unknown men in her driveway, Barlow Lane, 12:35 a.m.
1/16 McCullough Ritz? Staff at Marriott Courtyard had guest who was no longer welcome; needed assistance in finding another place to stay.
1/16 Hill of a thing. At 8:37 a.m., Vale Place complainant reported construction on Hill Street before 10 a.m., and that it was ongoing issue.
1/15 Vicious circle. Caller reported hitting yield sign at Fireman’s Circle. Sign still standing, visible. DPW foreman asked to inspect.
1/14 Resident reported strong odor of gas in Centre Street/Forest Avenue neighborhood, 7:10 p.m.
1/14 Curb repeal. Complainant stated skateboarders were doing jumps in front of Sotheby’s. They had been asked in past to stop this activity, as it is dangerous to clients and pedestrians. Kids were asked to move along and stay off Sotheby’s property.
1/14 Franklin Avenue caller stated large box was delivered to her property and currently blocking her entrance door. Said it was not something for her, but she could not read label. Package picked up.
1/14 Caller reported occupied van on Old Rye Beach Avenue, 12:13 a.m. Party was collecting bottles, all in order.