10/14 Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO) reported two summonses issued on Cowles Avenue for overtime parking.
10/14 Walk-in reported minor MVA, no injuries, US-1. Told to wait for officer by his vehicle. ALSO, MVA, Club/Road/Sunset Lane, no injuries.
10/13 Vessel boarding, Buoy 36, 5 p.m., Warning issued for expired flares.
10/13 Tall tail? Vessel boarding, Scotch Caps, 7:06 p.m. Warning issued for short fish.
10/13 Caller reported male in his 20s had been standing on corner of Forest/Oakland Beach avenues since 9 a.m. She was concerned for his well-being, stated she saw him at 3 p.m. and again at 5:30 p.m. GOA.
10/13 Rude awakening. Stoneycrest Road complainant stated he woke up and discovered his vehicle had been taken from his driveway, 5:20 a.m.
10/12 Cos for alarm. Responded to distress call for vessel that struck rock, was taking on water outside Cos Cob Harbor. Arrived on scene shortly after Greenwich PD; they already had vessel under tow, 1:10 p.m.
10/11 Caller stated deer had its head stuck in storm drain. DOA, removed from roadway, North Street/Theodore Fremd Avenue.
10/11 Filament-ary, my Dear Watson. Caller stated there was smell of smoke in Central Avenue home, no fire observed. Faulty light bulb caused condition. Cleared by RFD.
10/11 Public meeting on proposed Leaf Blower Law, 10/20. City Code violation, Multiple leaf blowers in use, Highland Road/Wappanocca Avenue.
10/11 Santa Maria! City Code violation, construction work on holiday, Harding Drive, 9:55 a.m. Also, Hughes Avenue, 9:39 a.m. and Lynden Street, 9:36 a.m. Warnings issued.
10/10 Coyote sighting, Halsted Place/Oakland Beach Avenue, 10:08 p.m.
10/10 CVS manager reported female in store who had already been banned from entering store and told by police not to do so.
10/10 Coyote sighting, 4:29 p.m., Central/Clinton avenues.
10/10 A-Cop-ella? County PD reported four vehicles in Playland parking lot playing loud music. Backed up County unit.
10/9 Tidying-up. Caller stated roadway near Tide Mill was flooded, Kirby Lane, 1:40 p.m. Area taped-off, DPW on scene.
10/9 Water main break reported Hewlett Avenue/Milton Road. Suez, DPW notified, 1:25 p.m. Flooding seemed to be result of high tide; water slowly receding. DPW foreman on scene with barricades.
10/9 Tight stringing. Caller stated there was loud music in area of Rye Arts Center/Rye Rec, 9/27 a.m. No music heard; large group of people playing tennis, various other sports.
10/9 Construction work before 10 a.m., Forest Avenue/Horton Street and Lynden Street. Warnings given.
10/8 The sailor, with the beach chair, on the bowling green. Larceny. Complainant stated someone stole her wallet containing credit cards, license from her purse at Stuyvesant Avenue club at approximately 5 p.m.
10/8 Bike was struck by vehicle, Barlow Lane/BPR, 9:32 a.m. Bicyclist struck by vehicle, minor injuries, Parsons Street/BPR, 8:02 a.m.
10/8 Call it a knight. Noise complaint, possibly coming from Whitby Castle, 10:07 p.m. Castle advised party should be over shortly.
10/7 Discovered large log floating south of buoy 36, 5:30 p.m. Removed log from water, disposed at City Marina.
10/7 In the drill of the night. Laurel Street complainant stated men were working outside her apartment and there was too much noise for the time of day, 7:42 p.m. Informed caller it was civil matter between her and landlord and to contact Building Department and landlord for further clarification.
10/7 Coyote sighting, Eleanor Street/York Avenue. Seen while caller was walking dog, 5:59 p.m.
10/7 Unwanted guest, possibly intoxicated, unwilling to leave, Westchester Medical Group.
10/7 Report of a coyote chasing a small deer on grounds of The Osborn Home, 7:15 a.m.
10/7 Coyote sighting, Osborn Road/Woods Lane, 8:29 a.m.