11/11 City Code violation, Grace Church Street. Backpack, push blower in use simultaneously – penalty not noted.
11/11 Leaf blower violation, Lynden Street. Summons issued!
11/11 Caller stated leaf blowers were in use in area of Chamberlain Street/Oakland Beach Avenue, 7:43 a.m.
11/10 Overreach. Leaf blower violation reported, Forest Avenue/Hook Road, 1:02 p.m. Crew at one Hook Road property was using a machine to pick up leaves, second crew at neighboring property was using leaf blower to clean driveway in order to pave. Two different companies, no violations observed, 1:10 p.m.
11/10 Lieutenant requested response to area of Beachwood Lane/Milton Road due to leaf blowers in use, 4:23 p.m.
11/10 Leaf blower reported, Grace Church Street, 11:55 a.m. Only one backpack observed in use, no violation, 12:01 p.m.
11/10 Leaf blowers reported, Forest Avenue. No violation reported; home was in R-1 district. [Note: Current/proposed law exempts R-1 zone from penalties on theory that these tend to be larger lots with neighboring homes more distant from source of noise, debris.]
11/9 Caller reported multiple leaf blowers on same Brown Avenue property. Observed two leaf blowers in use – penalty not noted.
11/9 They all sound the same. Multiple leaf blowers reported in use, Lynden Street. No blowers observed; advised landscapers of City Code.
11/7 Caller stated there were multiple leaf blowers being used on Bennet Street property. Summons issued.
11/5 Jumping into the fray. Per Commissioner Kopy, three leaf blowers in use, plus a push blower, Barron Place/Stuyvesant Avenue, 8:47 a.m.
Police Blotter
11/11 Caller stated dog was barking at Philips Lane property, 12:48 a.m., ongoing problem. Dog found outside, wandering property; advised housekeeper to speak with homeowner regarding complaints about unsupervised, barking dog.
11/10 Pastor reported group of unruly youths refusing to leave church property, BPR, 9:30 p.m.
11/10 Teens reported riding mini-bike, Apawamis/Cowles avenues, 9:30 p.m.
11/9 Ellis Court complainant stated there appeared to be damage to her fence, cause unknown.
11/9 Report of dumpster blocking roadway, Forest Avenue/Pine Island Road. Condition was corrected prior to arrival.
11/9 Caller stated she ran over hard hat that was in middle of road; it stuck underneath her vehicle, Hidden Spring Lane/Peck Avenue. Assisted motorist while condition was cleared.
11/9 Caller reported a dead hawk in front of Purchase Street restaurant. To be disposed of by DPW.
11/8 Individual, possibly in distress, reported on I-95 Midland Avenue off-ramp. Party was on ramp looking for cockatoo that flew away from vehicle. State Police, EMS on scene.
11/8 Odysseus had his problems too. Caller stated someone struck her black Honda Odyssey while it was parked on Cedar Place.
11/8 One of those days. BMW Assist reported a child possibly unattended that was parked in Grace Church /Street driveway. Mother in vehicle with child upon arrival; child fine. Dog had run away and housekeeper needed assistance to get dog over fence back onto property.
11/7 Two complainants reported three dogs in Grace Church Street barking, disturbing their peace. Advised caretaker that dogs barking for prolonged periods of time was violation of City Code. Caretaker agreed to comply.
11/6 Advised party near Scotch Caps of law requiring all aboard vessel less than 21 feet long must wear personal flotation device after November 1.
11/6 Caller stated construction work taking place before 10 a.m. at Hayward Place property, 8:59 a.m. Spoke to foreman; construction to stop until 10. Ditto on Grapal Street, 8:53 a.m.
11/5 Deer was reported struck by vehicle that left scene, Midland Avenue. Cleared by DPW.