10/12: Billington Court homeowner reported two landscapers having fist fight on her lawn. One man pinned the other down and repeatedly struck him in the face and chest. Officer ordered the assailant to get off and lie flat on ground, eventually arresting him for assault. Victim, with bloody nose and mouth, also appeared to have bite mark on chest; taken to White Plains Hospital. Foreman arrived, told officer it was offender’s first day on job. Rye City Court date set.
10/13: Forest Avenue homeowner reported laptop computer stolen from home sometime during the day. Deposition taken.
10/14: Purchase Street merchant reported showing pair of 22-carat reversible, double-sided Steven Vaubel earrings to a customer, later missing from store window. Owner’s deposition completed.
10/14: Forest Avenue resident turned in man’s wallet. Owner contacted and he picked it up.
10/15: Possum reported acting ill on York Avenue resident’s lawn. Animal “boxed up and destroyed” in wooded area behind home.
10/15: One-person crime wave? Indian Village homeowner reported mysterious string of thefts: Returned home from dinner and paid babysitter before discovering her jewelry box moved and her engagement ring missing. Twenty-four hours earlier, two birthday cards for children with cash in them were taken while babysitter was there. A week earlier, same sitter was watching children when iPad stolen. Deposition taken.
10/16: Pine Lane and Cowles Avenue homeowners reported break-ins of parked vehicles; wallet, purse stolen. Depositions filed.
10/16: Rye Beach Avenue homeowner reported brass fixtures at end of driveway stolen overnight. Deposition taken.
10/16: Saturday Night Fights: Caller reported Bronx cab driver pulled out of his car after midnight on southbound side of Depot Plaza and assaulted. When officers intervened, offender fled along platform and was eventually apprehended. Victim stated he dropped fare off at her vehicle in lot when suspect approached her in suspicious manner. Cab driver attempted to divert severely intoxicated suspect, who came at him and slapped phone out of his hand, breaking it, as he tried to call 911. Charges: Disorderly Conduct and Criminal Mischief.
10/18: Black 64GB iPad, serial # V5025TD1ETV stolen from Rye Country Day squash courts between 1700 and 2130 hours. “Locator app” couldn’t find turned-off unit. Sworn statement taken.
10/21: After midnight, passerby stated white female with long dark hair keyed tan GMC Yukon on Elm Place, bent radio antenna, and drove off in blue Mercedes. Victim told officer he’d just had argument with ex-girlfriend in nearby bar. When officer inspected damage, he could read ***hole scratched into paint. Offender stopped in dark-colored Mercedes, arrested. While being fingerprinted, she stated, “How could he do this to me?” Held over for morning court session.
10/21: Complainant reported phony checks on his business account drawn in Houston, TX: one presented at Navy Credit Union in Vienna, VA, other at unknown Bank of America branch. Sworn statement filed.
10/21: Purchase Street merchant reported stopping customer from taking $500 jacket without paying. Manager ran after perp, who got into green Toyota Highlander and drove away. Merchant, however, got NY license plate number.
10/23: Greenhaven weekend crime wave: five overnight vehicle break-ins reported by Rye Road, Brevoort Lane, and Greenhaven Road residents. Cadillac, Chrysler, Acura, and two Mercedes yielded Pergo car seat, Celine bag (later recovered), Vuitton purse, Chanel wallet, Prada tote bag, Hermes perfume, Toshiba computer, Canon Rebel camera, 32 GB iPod, Littman Cardiac 3M stethoscope, U.S. passport and credit cards, $25,000+ in jewelry. Investigation ongoing; Greenhaven Association informed.
10/24: Three large windows and two aluminum doors damaged at main Rye Rec building by stones or pellets. No witnesses. Complainant’s statement taken.
10/24: Lock tampered with, wallet with $200 cash stolen from locker at Rye Y. Lock tagged for evidence.
10/25: Recently opened pizza parlor on Boston Post Road reported driver for Better Carting Company, picking up dumpster from market next door, struck and damaged building. Good thing it wasn’t Worse Carting Company.
For older entries, search “blotter” at the top of the page.