2/14: Cloverdale Lane resident reported carbon monoxide alarm activation. Moved outside to vehicle, awaiting arrival of RFD
2/14: Oven fire, Milton Harbor House. RFD dispatched. Caller was baking cake when oven caught fire.
2/13: Display case in roadway, Mead Place. Removed.
2/13: Alex and Ani awning partially fallen at front of store. City Engineer notified.
2/13: Injured deer in backyard, Harding Drive. FOA – fled upon arrival.
2/13: Trees, branches, wires reported down in roadways: Central Avenue, Stuyvesant/Van Wagenen avenues, Green Acres Drive. DPW on scenes.
2/13: Motor mouth. Verbal dispute between motorists, BPR.
2/13: High voltage wire down, Parkway Drive/US-1, 3:45 p.m. Northbound traffic shut down. Awaiting Con Ed. DPW on scene. Officers assisted with school dismissal vehicle, pedestrian traffic.
2/13: Homeowner locked out of her Franklin Avenue home.
2/12: Google in town? Car reported blocking Mead Place driveway. Vehicle moved on its own.
2/12: Kayak reported taken from Waters Edge complex garage. Found at different location by contractors due to snow removal.
2/12: Bagging rights. Vehicle broken into, air bag removed, Highland Road/Wappanocca Avenue.
2/12: Multiple icy areas reported.
2/11: Assisted Greenwich PD with apprehension, termination of I-95 vehicle pursuit to Midland Avenue bridge.
2/11: Doggie bagged. Overdale Road dog, barking excessively, possibly left outside in cold for long duration. Summons issued.
2/11: Driveway in Rear of Bareburger blocked by Mercedes Benz. Summons issued.
2/11: Slick work. Oil delivered to Wainwright Street home that did not use oil. Poured into basement down wrong pipe. RFD, Westchester DEC notified.
2/11: Assisted DPW in removal of vehicles from Purchase Street for snow removal.
2/11: Vehicle blocking Purchase Street crosswalk. Summons issued.
2/10: Illegally parked vehicle reported taking up two spots, Car Park 2, 4:30 p.m.
2/10: Locust Avenue caller stated neighbors had not shoveled their sidewalks, in violation of 24-hour City Code. Un-shoveled area appeared to be City property.
2/10: Vehicle struck fire hydrant in front of Al’s Service Station, BPR. Suez notified.
2/9: Burglary attempt reported, Halsted Place. Party found broken window.
2/9: Icy road condition, Theall Road. DPW notified.
2/8: Resident stated unknown party was knocking on their door, ringing bell. Local Private Investigator said she did not knock on door. Canvassed area with negative results. PI placed in cab to go to cousin’s house in Port Chester.
2/8: Request for officer on scene, possible forced entry for gas odor, Purdy Avenue. Upon arrival, owner were on scene with RFD, Con Ed.
2/8: Notify the Feds? Malfunctioning traffic light, Midland/Peck avenues.
2/8: Hit and run MVA, Rye Y, Locust Avenue. Party advised of filing procedure.
2/8: X3 Files. Goldwin Street resident said neighbor notified him of tow truck driving across his front lawn, tearing it up. Described as white pick up with tow arm attached to bed towing silver BMW X3 turned around in dead end over lawns, sped away.
2/8: NY State Police reported child struck by motor vehicle, Playland parking lot. Units, EMS dispatched. Transported to medical center.
2/8: Permit parking enforcement, Gagliardo Park. Summons issued.
2/7: Eight summonses issued, illegally parked vehicles, snow ordinance. All over town.
2/7: Blackguard! Burglary reported in progress, Fawcett Street, Port Chester by Rye border. Units dispatched to assist PCPD. Parties describe as two Hispanic males approximately 5’9”, one wearing gray hoodie, black hat seen leaving headed towards Edgar.
2/6: Vehicle observed traveling at 47 mph in 25 mph zone, Forest/Turf avenues. Summons issued.
2/5: Mead Place caller stated vehicle blocking his driveway. Summons issued.
2/5: Water damage, freezing at Franklin Street residence. Appeared hose was left on. Ice on bushes. Nobody home, water no longer running.
2/5: Duck hunting complaint, Sackett Landing. Hunter advised of law, party had hunting permit.
2/4: Larceny, track/football field area, BPR/Parsons Street, salmon-colored jacket taken. Complainant stated it was possibly taken by young white male wearing black sweatshirt, black shorts, black spandex (and, perchance, salmon-colored jacket?)
2/4: Franklin Avenue complainant stated his car window was broken.
2/3: Rules of the Road. Animal lovers looking for deer, Forest Avenue/Manursing Way. Warning issued.
2/3: Walk-in wanted to report identity theft incident.
2/3: Twenty-three month-old locked inside vehicle, Bulkley Manor. Unlocked by RFD.
2/2: Dog off leash outside designated are, Rye Town Park. Summons issued.
2/2: Black Jeep reported blocking Apawamis Avenue driveway. Summons issued.
2/2: Illegal dumping complaint, Edith Read Sanctuary.
2/1: Worker surveying Forest Avenue property saw fairly large coyote in backyard.
2/1: Caller stated raccoon was acting unnaturally at grassy end of Clinton Avenue. Animal appeared sick, too close to house to dispatch properly. Raccoon moved and was trapped by trapper.