4/16: Officers responded to report of male attempting to gain access into Midland Avenue condo. Suspect apprehended after short foot pursuit. Victim lay in bed and heard loud noise at back sliding door. Victim noticed offender rip screen off hinges, called 911.
Offender broke into unit directly across from victim’s while fleeing and fought with arresting officers while being taken into custody. Earlier that evening, suspect had been involved in hit and run accident on Interstate 95 resulting in motor vehicle accident near Peck Avenue, suspect had fled that scene on foot. Suspect charged with Burglary 2nd Degree, two counts of criminal mischief and resisting arrest.
4/4: Cottage Street resident reported having email account hacked and being fearful that hacker had access to additional private information.
4/5: Full Nav perp. York Avenue resident complained that a GPS and loose change were removed from two vehicles on his property without permission or authority by unknown perp(s).
4/5: Officer observed 1997 brown Nissan bearing NY plates with no inspection or registration stickers affixed to windshield. NYSPIN inquiry revealed plate registered to another vehicle and operator’s privilege to drive suspended. Driver arrested, released on bail.
4/5: Another York Avenue resident reported property taken from his vehicle, while parked in driveway overnight. No witnesses, no suspects.
4/6: Caller reported bike stolen from Waters Edge property. Stated this was ongoing issue with known party within the complex. Bike was inside garage and locked.
4/6: Another loose change perp. Coolidge Avenue resident reported several items in vehicle parked at residence ransacked between 7 pm 4/4 and 5:30 am 4/5. Stated loose change totaling $5 removed. Vehicle was unlocked.
4/6: Another Water’s Edge resident reported a known resident remove her bike from her garage without permission. Bike was returned behind garage.
4/6: Officer dispatched to Hook Road-Playland Parkway area on report of brush fire in woods. Assisted Rye FD and County Parks employees with extinguishing fire.
4/6: Walk-in reported accounts had been opened in her and her husband’s name at Chase Bank without authority. Also stated someone requested a new Capital One card; had all of their personal information, as if old card had been lost.
4/7: Forest Avenue resident reported overnight damage to his picket fence surrounding entire property. Homeowner’s son heard group of youths chuckling, then a sudden burst of laughter at about 11:30 pm on 4/6.
4/8: Knocked his lights out. Officer arrived at Orchard Avenue and Laurel Street scene. Observed another officer speaking with complainant who stated that he observed other man punch and damage a light fixture. Offender placed under arrest, released on bail.
4/9: Keep that safe cold. Officer on patrol noticed black backpack lying behind tree on Hillside Road by Boston Post Road. Contents included eight Bud Lights, two Coors Light. Property placed in safe.
4/9: Officer dispatched to Station Plaza near parking unit #29, observed Parking Enforcement Officer and parking offender. Requested license, registration and insurance card. Offender asked, “Do we have to go through the entire process?” Admitted having license suspended. NYSPIN confirmed offender had failed to answer a summons. Processed, arraignment set.
4/9: Walk-in reported losing her bag with Uruguayan passport inside in Purdy avenue vicinity on 4/1.
4/9: Officer observed white Ford bearing PA plates with inadequate stop lamps at Midland Avenue and Cottage Street. Operator stated he had no driver’s license or any photo identification, produced a Sprint payment card. Offender instructed to write down name, warning that false information given would be misdemeanor. Officer noticed
Ecuadorian ID card in wallet. NYSPIN revealed privileges to drive suspended. Arrested, released on $250 bail.
4/10: Officer on stationary patrol on Forest Avenue observed green Buick Regal traveling north with operator talking on cell phone. Operator admitted to having no license. Identified himself by Guatemalan identification card. Summons issued. Vehicle towed.
4/10: Officer observed offender operating a 1999 black BMW bearing MI plate with an obstructed view. NYSPIN revealed driver’s privilege to operate vehicle in NYS currently suspended. Arrested, released on bail.
4/10: Officer observed offender operating 2004 gray Volkswagen, CT plate, with inadequate plate lamp. Detected strong odor of marijuana. Subsequent vehicle search revealed alleged marijuana cigarette in center ashtray. Offender arrested, released on $50 cash bail.
4/11: When it arraigns, it pours. Officer on routine patrol observed red Honda Civic traveling east on Boston Post road with modified muffler. Driver identified himself with a Guatemalan ID card. Registration and insurance information belonged to another vehicle. NYSPIN revealed driver’s privilege suspended and active warrant from Village of Port Chester. Processed, released to PCPD.
4/11: Officer on routine patrol observed vehicle traveling south on Midland Avenue with one working headlight. NYSPIN revealed driver’s privilege to drive suspended. Vehicle towed.
4/11: Unhappy birthday. Officer observed vehicle 1996 red Ford, CT temp plate, with inadequate plate and stop lamps. Driver had no form of identification. Was asked to write his name, address, and DOB on piece of paper, warned that giving false information is misdemeanor. Driver gave false birth date. Correct date revealed suspended license. Arrested, released on cash bail.
4/12: Walk-in reported suspicious withdrawals from her ATM account at Citi Bank.
4/12: Officer traveling north on Midland Avenue observed vehicle traveling south at high rate of speed flashing headlights. Vehicle made left turn onto 95 south ramp in front of oncoming traffic. Officer stopped vehicle, noticed strong odor of marijuana emanating from vehicle. Asked driver for license and registration and if he had marijuana. Man said he had smoked it all. Agreed to vehicle check. NYSPIN revealed privilege to drive suspended, half-smoked joint in driver’s cigarette pack. Arrested, released on $250 bail. Evidence bagged, locked.
4/13: Complainant reported someone damaged doorbell button on exterior of Purchase Street residence. Suspected one of several groups of youths who congregate there may have been responsible.
4/13: Officer dispatched to Boston Post Road and Parsons Street, reported sick raccoon by school auditorium. No school in session, animal removed by landscapers.
4/14: Gassed. Caller reported two males attempting to fuel vehicle in road. Dispatched officer found two parties gassing pickup truck in middle of roadway on Forest Avenue. Parties appeared intoxicated. Detained in handcuffs after several warnings to stay off roadway. Registered owner stated they ran out of gas and were waiting for gas station to open. Had a few drinks while waiting. Both placed in car #14, transported to train station, where they caught next train to New Rochelle. Vehicle impounded for safekeeping.
4/14: Walk-in reported he was victim of identity fraud. Bill Me Later and Pay Pal accounts were opened using his name and Social Security number.
4/15: Person reported he lost iPod Touch in August or September, just remembered he registered product with “find my phone” application. He activated locator and presented map of location. Requested the product be returned if information proved correct.
4/15: Caller reported shattered glass door allegedly due to rock flying from landscaper’s mower blades.
4/15: Burglarized bush. Officer dispatched on report of shrub being stolen from church property at Boston Post Road and Parsons Street. Man on walk with wife noticed shrub
pulled from ground. Shrub last seen 4/14.
4/16: Walk in reported receiving email regarding comic book stolen from his home. Stated he received email offering him chance to buy a comic that already belonged to him.
4/16: Officer observed child passenger under four years old without a child safety seat. Operator stated he does not possess any type of driver’s license. Summons issued. Vehicle towed.
4/16: Officer observed driver fail to signal left turn. Operator did not produce driver’s license. Given summons, vehicle towed.
4/17: Walk-in reported stated she had observed over last month a heavyset white/Hispanic male in his 50s, riding a blue bicycle near Midland School near dismissal time. No further information available.
4/17: Officer on stationary patrol observed vehicle with no inspection sticker. Stopped vehicle on Purdy Avenue. Driver had no identification. NYSPIN revealed privilege to drive suspended. Vehicle towed.
4/17: Walk-in reported loss of family heirloom gold money clip. Estimated value $6,000. Clip contained ATM card, two credit cards, AAA card, and SS card.