9/23 Caller stated suspicious person was under a tree in Rye Town Park, no further description given. Canvassed area multiple times with negative results.
9/22 Water, water everywhere. Caller reported leaking hydrant on Midland Avenue. FD Captain aware and in contact with water company.
9/22 Complainant stated unknown party struck her parked unoccupied vehicle at Depot Plaza.
9/22 Sideshow. Caller reported chronic issue of work trucks blocking sidewalk in front of their house on Oakland Beach Avenue. Vehicle moved, no longer obstructing sidewalk.
9/21 Bent Ben. Larceny. Caller from Rye Shell stated someone passed fake $100 bill.
9/21 Con Ed reported an upset customer was threatening crew, Brevoort Lane. Spoke to homeowner; she did not agree with Con Ed inspection. Supervisor stated they might have to cut services. Civil matter.
9/20 “Home, home on the range, where the deer and the …” Coyote sighting. Sitting in Stuyvesant Avenue yard, 5:02 p.m. Walked away after being yelled at.
9/20 Audi, neighbor. Caller stated vehicle hit his Audi A3; party left her phone number, drove off. Officer facilitated exchange of information.
9/20 Monotonous. Oakland Beach Avenue caller stated construction vehicles were parked on sidewalk. Vehicles moved.
9/20 Caller reported coyote ran past her front yard, Barron Place/Stuyvesant Avenue, 8 a.m.
9/20 Caller stated black sedan had been sitting in front of his house with its lights on for long period of time, 5:36 a.m., Elmwood/Oakwood avenues. Located operator of vehicle, who was lost and looking for his sedan in area of Forest/Elmwood avenues. Advised him of location.
9/19 Concerned caller reported loud scream, Newberry Place/Van Buren Street. All quiet in area.
9/19 Caller reported deer hit by motor vehicle, Hewlett Avenue/Milton Road. Deer was fine.
9/19 Caller reported male walking on tennis courts, Van Renssalear Road. Party given written notice he was no longer welcome on property and escorted off premises.
9/19 Plethora of hit-and-runs. Caller reported motor vehicle accident, Purchase Street. Vehicle attempted to leave scene, headed to downtown Rye. Also notified Harrison PD.
9/19 Trees, poles down, Boston Post Road closed, power lost. Caller reported speeding car hit a tree, 12:09 a.m.
9/18 Data needed. Plan required. Action mandatory. Caller stated coyote attacked groundhog in area of Grapal/Grace Church streets, 7:28 p.m.
9/18 Complainants stated there was property damage to their vehicle due to issue with Central Avenue roadway causing flat tire.
9/18 Myriad MVAs. Drive/ride carefully, KINDLY. Caller stated he was parking his car on Forest Avenue when youth on bike rode into his vehicle causing damage.
9/17 DWI, Hillside Road, 10:28 p.m. possible injuries. EMS dispatched. Vehicle towed.
9/17 Minor MVA, Forest Avenue/Rockridge Road. Parties involved exchanged contact information at scene.
9/17 Person previously matching description of party at Post Road Market Wine & Spirits was located by officer at Station Plaza, where he was observed peering into vehicle. Party currently homeless.
9/17 MVA, BPR/Purdy Avenue, involving DPW truck. No damage to vehicle.