“A Celebration of Girl Power” is the theme of a book talk and signing with teen author Annabel Monaghan March 4 at 6:30 p.m.
“A Celebration of Girl Power” is the theme of a book talk and signing with teen author Annabel Monaghan March 4 at 6:30 p.m. It will be held at the Voracious Reader, a bookstore at 1997 Palmer Avenue in Larchmont, in partnership with the Westchester Chapter of Room to Read, a global non-profit literacy organization.
Monaghan, a Rye resident, will speak about girl empowerment, which is at the heart of her books and central to the mission of Room to Read’s education and literacy work in Asia and Africa. The event is free and open to the public.
She is the author of two young adult novels, “A Girl Named Digit” and “Double Digit”. The protagonist of her serial thrillers is a teenage math whiz whose knack for cracking codes gets her into unexpected intrigues involving the FBI, CIA, and eco-terrorists, all of which she skillfully negotiates. Monaghan is also co-author of “Click! The Girls Guide to Knowing What You Want and Making it Happen”.
The Westchester chapter of Room to Read will also highlight ways that local teens can get involved in supporting girl’s education in developing countries. Student initiatives have raised scholarship funds for girls to complete their secondary education. Last spring, Room to Read student clubs and initiatives joined forces and succeeded in raising $5,000 to build a school library for students in Sri Lanka.
Ten percent of all book sales from this author event will go directly to Room to Read. Founded on the belief that “World Change Starts with Educated Children,” Room to Read works in collaboration with local communities, partner organizations, and governments to ensure girls have the skills and support needed to complete their secondary education. The organization also develops literacy skills and a habit of reading among primary school children in Asia and Africa.