Play ball! Rye Recreation’s Adult Softball League recently concluded another season of competitive fun this summer.
With two men’s leagues and one women’s, there were a total of 18 teams that competed in 12 games per league over the season.
The Women’s League once again crowned Neri’s Hardrollers as champions. The team went undefeated both in the regular season and in the playoffs.
This year Neri’s Hardrollers won their fourth consecutive Division Championship.
First time champion Red’s Garage dominated the Men’s A Division American League, going 11-1 in the regular season, and then 4-1 in the playoffs.
In the Men’s B National League, 2nd Chance was 6-7 in the regular season and 3-1 in the playoffs. They then went on to defeat the regular season champions, Hammerheads, in Game 3 of the Championship Series.
This was the second year in a row 2nd Chance came from a lower seed to win the Championship as the underdogs.
The Rye Adult Softball League isn’t all about winning and keeping score, however.
In his first year as Rye Softball League Coordinator, Joe Archino, who recently retired as superintendent of parks and recreation in Irvington, said the program is “really steeped with tradition.”

“Whether they used to live in Rye or went to school in Rye, almost every player has some connection to Rye,” Archino said. “It’s a time to go back and remember. When you listen to them talk, you hear them talking about ‘when my dad ran the team, he won the league four times in a row.’ It’s the interaction. It’s the dialogue. It’s remembering the past, and I love when I’m around the players for that.”
He continued, “There’s a lot of camaraderie on the women’s teams, and same with the men’s teams. You can drive by a half hour, 45 minutes after the game and still see players sitting in the dugouts, hanging out, talking with each other.”
To run a successful season takes teamwork of all kinds.
“Having come from the field, I was so impressed with the DPW; the conditions of the fields were amazing. The fields were always ready. Always.”
He also praised Superintendent of Rye Parks and Recreation Erin Mantz and staff member Kevin Thompson for doing an excellent job.
Already looking to next year, Archino is seeking ways to improve the program.
“We’re going to do a questionnaire looking for suggestions and recommendations from the teams. Our goal is to try to make the league as much fun as possible. And look, I’ve always believed if you’re going to do something, you might as well do it to be the best.”