The Garnets had a rude awakening at their home opener against Horace Greeley on September 8.
By Melanie Cane
The Garnets had a rude awakening at their home opener against Horace Greeley on September 8. Having easily defeated the competition in both of their pre-season scrimmages (Tappan Zee 5-2, and Nyack 6-1), they were unprepared for the high level of play the Greeley girls displayed, and ended up losing every set. Only Alex Manning’s second-singles match was close. She lost the first set in a tiebreaker, but lost the second set 6-0. It should be noted that Greeley’s No. 1 singles player is one of the top high school players in the county.
Coach Tony Campbell said it was regrettable that the girls didn’t face tougher competition in the scrimmages. “The Greeley match was a wake-up call.”
The Garnets began league play this week: Pelham on September 10 and Harrison on September 11. The only other team in their league, which is a new league for them this year, is Byram Hills, whom they play September 16.