Rye High School has earned recognition on the Washington Post’s list of Most Challenging High Schools, ranking number 213 out of over 2,025 schools nationwide.
Rye High School has earned recognition on the Washington Post’s list of Most Challenging High Schools, ranking number 213 out of over 2,025 schools nationwide. Of the 312 schools ranked in the Northeast, Rye High School is ranked 20, and when private and charter schools are not included, it moves up to 11. And of New York high schools Rye is ranked 16.
The Washington Post scores are based on the number of college-level tests administered in the previous school year, the number of graduates, and the percentage of graduates who passed at least one college-level test during their high school careers.
“The recently published rankings from the Washington Post reaffirm the pride and enthusiasm that is found in the Rye City School District,” stated RHS Principal Patricia Taylor. “I am proud of the students and faculty for setting and reaching high goals for themselves. There is an underlying belief that all students can achieve success and that support and focus leads to our success. Congratulations belong to everyone working toward student success, K-12.”