Late last year, Rye United Methodist Nursery School (RMNS) was notified that the church was closing, the property was going to be put up for sale, and, by the end of the school year, they would have to find space elsewhere.
The nursery school has been in Rye for 40 years, and the news was devastating to the school and the community.
School Director Sheridan Povemba quickly got to work finding new space. Her prayers were answered when Rev. Bruce Baker, pastor of All Souls Presbyterian Church in Port Chester, called.
“Rev. Baker proposed a merger between The Pre-Day School affiliated with his church and ours,” said Ms. Povemba in an interview last week. “After many discussions between us and our school community, we reached an agreement that all parties are comfortable with — a merger of the two schools and the birth of All Souls Preschool.”
The program will maintain the family-oriented feel and open classroom setting of RMNS, said Ms. Povemba.
“We’re excited about the mixed-age component, with the 3s and 4s together the first hour of the day. The children will enjoy music and social time together, which is so important for social development,” she explained.
Parents will be able to choose a three-, four-, or five-day program. Children need to be 3 by December. The maximum size for the 3-year-old classes is 14, 18 for the 4-year-olds.
All Souls Preschool, which is located at 55 Parkway Drive in Port Chester, will host two Open Houses this month: April 25 at 12:30 p.m., and April 26 at 7 p.m. Contact Sheridan Povemba at 939-4301 or