Rye Post 128 Commander Fred de Barros recently presented checks to the Montrose Veterans Administration Hospital and to Rye Recreation, $15,000 and $4,500, respectively, to help fund important programs at each.
In her thank-you letter to Post 128, Dawn Schall, Medical Director at the Montrose VA Hospital, wrote, “Thanks to you, VA Hudson Valley Health Care System veterans will have additional tools to support their health and well-being. Your donation will fund activities for veterans in recovery, provide comfort to veterans during their health journeys, and allow us to address the specific needs of our local veterans’ population.”
Rec Superintendent Sally Rogol said, “Rye Recreation is thankful for the continuing support of Legion Post 128. Contributions enhance our ability to offer camp and program financial assistance to members of the community, as well as supplement the cost of reversible jerseys for more than 150 boys and girls in our basketball programs.”
Rye Post Commander de Barros says, “These donations to fellow veterans and the community align with the foundational pillars of the American Legion. We are a very fortunate Post to be able to support our community and fellow veterans alike.”
Most of the donated funds were generated by the Memorial Day Golf Tournament at Rye Golf Club, which is organized by Legion member Terry McCartney. “This past Memorial Day, we had over 70 players and 60 sponsors. We are proud the Post is using the funds for veterans and the Rye community.”
The Rye American Legion Post 128 meets the third Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Rye Recreation, and is always looking for new members. To learn more, visit ryenylegionpost128.org.