Rye Clergy Respond to Death of George Floyd and Violent Aftermath
We mourn the loss of George Floyd and condemn the senseless act of violence which took his life. The thoughts and prayers of our entire Rye Interfaith community are with his family and with the people of Minneapolis at this very difficult time.
We as a nation, and as a local community, are called to come together and be committed to healing the divisive wounds of systemic racism. God calls us to put our supportive prayers into action. God calls us to stand strongly and responsibly each and every day for equality, justice, and respect for each and every person.
We deplore those who would exploit righteous anger and peaceful protests by inciting violence against the police and widespread vandalism. This is counterproductive to our call to stand for the sacredness of each person — the value of each life.
Let us pray for an end to the violence across America. Let us work together to address the issues of racism and inequality, especially through the witness of our own lives.
- Danielle Marie Baran, CR – Church of the Resurrection
Cantor Melanie Cooperman – Community Synagogue of Rye
Rev. Donald M. Dwyer – Church of the Resurrection
Rabbi Daniel Gropper – Community Synagogue of Rye
Rev. Dr. Craig R. Higgins – Trinity Presbyterian Church
Rev. Daniel Love – Rye Presbyterian Church
Rev. Steve Magneson – Trinity Presbyterian Church
Rev. Kate Malin – Christ’s Church
Rev. Jean-Paul Marshall – Rye Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dr. John Miller – Rye Presbyterian Church
Rev. Mark Swanson – Trinity Presbyterian Church