The Rye City Lions Club will honor Staci Ramachandran with the James A. and Marian M. Shea Community Service Award on Tuesday, November 15 at Whitby Castle. Established in 2003, the Award recognizes an individual(s) who lives or works in the community and has contributed to enhancing the lives of its citizens by volunteering services of an outstanding nature.
Staci has been a Rye resident for 19 years and in that time has become a role model for her service and commitment to the community. Among the organizations she has given her time and talents to are the Rye City Schools, Wainwright House, the Rye YMCA, Family Services of Westchester, and The Sharing Shelf. An active volunteer at Osborn Elementary School, she chaired the Osborn Scare Fair for almost a decade and served on the Osborn PTO Executive Board. For the past six years, Staci has been the Rye Middle School/Rye High School Social Chair, raising thousands of dollars to support the Rye schools.
She currently serves as vice president of Wainwright House and chairs the Rye YMCA’s Financial Development Committee, helping to raise critical funds to support the Y’s mission and ensure it is open to all.
Friend and fellow Rye YMCA board member Carrie Donahue noted, “Staci is always seeking out ways to jump in and help. Her service is inspirational.”
Staci’s dedication to helping others includes serving on the Westchester County Pancreatic Cancer Walk Committee with her mother, a 14-year pancreatic cancer survivor, and volunteering for Hailey’s Hope Foundation. She attributes her work ethic to the strong women in her life, her mother Barbara and her maternal grandmother.
The Rye City Lions Club is honored to recognize Staci Ramachandran with the 2022 James A. and Marian M. Shea Community Service Award. All proceeds from the event support the Club’s mission to help meet the ever-increasing needs of our society, with a special focus on those who are blind or visually impaired. In the past, the Club has donated to Guiding Eyes for the Blind; VISIONS Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Rye Free Reading Room to purchase large print books and books on tape. Additionally, the Club provides financial assistance to the Rye YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program and to Rye Recreation for its summer camp program.
Tickets to the dinner are $130 per person. Contact Brian Jackson, Rye City Lions Club President, at by November 7. You may Venmo @RyeCityLions or mail a check, made payable to the Rye City Lions Club, to Rye City Lions Club, P.O. Box 354, Rye, NY 10580.