At its December 20 meeting, Rye Neck Union Free School District’s Board of Education passed a resolution to present two related infrastructure and renovation bond propositions for a vote on February 13.
The first proposition, for $6.28 million, covers safety improvements by replacing flat roof sections at each of the District’s buildings. The Middle and High School roofs, covering more than 100,000 square feet are 23 years old and need to be completely replaced. Daniel Warren and F.E. Bellows elementary schools have smaller flat roof sections that are more than 20 years old.
The second proposition, for $21.33 million addresses the need to expand and upgrade the District’s outdate and overcrowded facilities caused by increased enrollment. It also addresses the need for flexible, collaborative classroom and laboratory spaces related to STEAM educational programs. The proposition includes the addition of eight classrooms and the High and Middle school campus which will be housed in a new two-story Collaborative Science Center.
Residents are encouraged to visit for more detailed information. Bond hearings will be held January 24 and February 7 in the High School Community Room.