As part of its effort to fight climate change, the Rye Sustainability Committee has founded RYE100, a local chapter of Communities United to Reduce Emissions 100% (CURE100).
CURE100 calls itself is “a nonprofit consortium of communities that seeks to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2040 through a combination of advocacy, education, and campaigns at the local and global levels.” It has more than a half dozen chapters throughout Westchester County.
Founding members of the Rye chapter include Sustainability Committee Chair James Ward, Vice Chair Hilary Garland, Executive Committee members Tracy Stora, Donna Providenti, Sara Goddard, and Jeffrey Prosserman.
To meet the goal of reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2040, RYE100 signed the CURE100 Pledge, which aligns with the Global Climate Pledge, an international effort to reduce carbon emissions. The pledge designates a commitment to cut the town’s carbon footprint in half within the next 10 years.
Activities that are major greenhouse gas sources and will be closely analyzed include transportation, energy use, and consumption habits.
By working with others in the community to make educated, low-carbon choices, the RYE100 Board is confident the results will inspire lawmakers and other leaders to adopt policies and practices that will help reduce the effects of climate change.
“We believe it takes individual responsibility and community action to make progress,” said Prosserman. “Our goal is nothing short of changing the world by acting locally. We seek a world for future generations that is cleaner, healthier, and economically more vibrant. We believe this can be achieved by a truly circular economy where everything is sustainable and there is no waste.”
The chapter formally launched on June 11 and will manage Rye’s CURE100 Carbon Tracker, a computer application that enables users to see how their households are contributing to carbon emissions and compare those levels to those of others in their zip codes.
With that information, CURE100 hopes residents will be able to make informed decisions to help reduce household emissions in categories including food, energy, and transportation. Over time, the group’s thinking goes, those efforts will lead to not only reduced emissions, but also to enhanced air quality and significant financial savings.
The campaign, however, isn’t aimed only at households. RYE100 offers opportunities for Rye businesses to participate as well.
To get started, businesses can use the Carbon Tracker to better manage and begin to reduce their own climate impact.
RYE100 is looking for business partnerships to sell products that are sustainably sourced, designed, and produced, with an agreed percentage of proceeds going toward future climate-friendly programs.
RYE100 offers stickers and other signage for organizations, schools, and houses of worship looking to display their involvement.
RYE100 organizers said they need volunteers as well.
“We have a limited window to turn things around and win the race to net zero for our kids and the future of humanity,” Prosserman said. “RYE100 is a new platform for each person in our community to take the small steps that they can to make a positive impact.
“This is our moment. We welcome you to sign up to the RYE100 mailing list and join us at the kickoff event that we are planning this September.”