At the last Board of Education meeting of the 2011-12 school year, there was finance news, a progress update from the architects, and some minor board shuffling.
By Sarah Varney
At the last Board of Education meeting of the 2011-12 school year, there was finance news, a progress update from the architects, and some minor board shuffling.
On the financial front, school officials outlined the refinancing of two of the District’s outstanding debt issues, for savings of over $100,000 in debt service costs every year for the next ten. The refinancing is expected to save the District over $1,000,000. Assistant Superintendent Kathleen Ryan announced the tax rate increase linked to the 2012-2013 school budget would be 1.76%, not the 1.75% previously estimated.
KSQ, the architecture firm overseeing the Rye High School science classroom addition, provided a progress report, culminating in a short computer-animated video showing what the building will look like when it opens in September of 2014. Lead architect Armand Quadrini took the Board through the floor plans and the lab configurations. The labs will be subject-specific with different configurations for chemistry/biology labs and physics/earth science labs.
“We feel very comfortable that these configurations will meet the need for flexibility,” said RHS Principal Patricia Taylor.
Incumbent Board President Laura Slack will continue in the position for the upcoming school year. Katy Glassberg will take on the duties of Vice President. New Board members Chris Repetto and Nancy Pasquale were sworn in at the meeting.