Last Sunday, the Rye Historical Society took us back in time, showing us our rich past on a tour of the Greenwood Union and African Cemeteries. The former dates back to the late 1830s, the latter was created in 1860.
Last Sunday, the Rye Historical Society took us back in time, showing us our rich past on a tour of the Greenwood Union and African Cemeteries. The former dates back to the late 1830s, the latter was created in 1860.
The tour revealed how diverse our history is and enriched our education of the individuals behind the names we know well: Dearborn, Fremd, Parsons, and Wainwright. And docents filled us in on the lives of many previously lesser-known, but no less illustrious, residents: Edward Eagan, Charles Francis, and Edwin Purdy.
For those who missed the tour, you can purchase the booklet at the Square House for a nominal amount and take a self-guided visit at your leisure.
—Photos by Robin Jovanovich