Thanks to the City Council
When the year ended, two members of the Rye City Council retired and two more took their place. Our Mayor and Councilmembers work very hard but receive no pay. They have no office space – not even a shared desk or file cabinet. They get no reimbursement for expenses. (In her farewell remarks, Deputy Mayor Emily Hurd mentioned the many nights she hired a babysitter to put her three little boys to bed.) Their reward is the satisfaction of helping our community. Most succeed. Those who serve wisely deserve our gratitude, our trust, and our thanks.
After an election, each new Council establishes its approach. May the newly-constituted Council continue to be the local government we are blessed with today: one that uses tax dollars judiciously, conducts its business transparently, and listens to residents with genuine respect.
Thank you to everyone who has served on the City Council, and best of luck to those who have just begun.
- Meg Cameron