February is short, dark, and cold with a happy day wedged in the middle. Valentine’s Day is fast approaching.
By Chris Cohan
ebruary is short, dark, and cold with a happy day wedged in the middle. Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. If you have not bought a card, gift, ordered flowers, or made a reservation at a restaurant, get with it.
Of course, gifts are never easy. Most of the time they appear to be last-minute thoughts. The receiver accepts, but unlike Cupid’s arrow it invariably misses the mark.
What to do? He or she probably has more of everything than they could ever want. So, let’s scrap the material acquisitions. How about showing each other love bigger than yourselves this Valentine’s Day?
Donate to a good cause in each other’s name. Also, make donations in your children’s names to get them started on the road to community service and compassion.
There are lots of good causes run by hard-working, sincere members of our community, and making a donation in time for Valentine’s Day is just a few keyboard taps away. Your financial support will be appreciated by your loved ones and help make our community better than ever.
Here are a few of the many great organizations to give to in town:
>Edith Read Wildlife Sanctuary: friendsofreadwildlifesanctuary.com
>Friends of Rye Town Park: friendsofryetownpark.com
>Helping Hands: helpinghandsrye.org
>Jay Heritage Center: jaycenter.org
>Rye Arts Center: ryeartscenter.org
>Rye Free Reading Room: ryelibrary.org
>Rye Historical Society: ryehistory.org
>Rye Nature Center: ryenaturecenter.org
>Rye Recreation: ryeny.gov/ recreation
>Rye YMCA: ryeymca.org
>Rye Youth Council: ryeyouthcouncil.org
>SPRYE: sprye.org
>Wainwright House: wainwright.org
>Westchester Children’s Museum: discoverwcm.org
Not to mention the Bird Homestead and Meeting House, Meals on Wheels, Rye Rotary, Rye Lions, Soul Ryeders, or the organization of your choice.