In mid-January, the City posted third-quarter Rye Police Department statistics for traffic enforcement, violations, and service calls.
By Tom McDermott
In mid-January, the City posted third-quarter Rye Police Department statistics for traffic enforcement, violations, and service calls.
It is not unusual for the City to have a months- long gap between the end of a quarter and posting of RPD statistics. The main reason for the gap, appar- ently, is to give RPD, the City Manager, the Mayor and City Council sufficient time to review the statis- tics before they are released.
Third-quarter Traffic Enforcement lagged far behind 2012 numbers for the same period. Speeding and red light violations totaled 119, compared to 379 in 2012, a 67 percent reduction. There were a total of 216 Unlicensed Operation and Other Motor Vehicle Infractions versus 865 in 2012, a 75 percent drop.
Alcohol and drug-related traffic offenses were virtually the same at 41 and 44.
Overall service calls also decreased 26 percent from 11,007 through the third quarter of 2012 to 8,134 in 2013. Patrol strength was 31 for most of 2012 and 29 to 30 in 2013.
The number of Parking Violations was down 13 percent in 2013, at 7,625 vs. 8,725 in 2012. This was partially due to reduced staff during certain periods of the year.
The complete statistics are available at under E-Government/Digital Documents/Police.