Ugh – Really?
A Challenging Encounter
As I walked into my first 50 hour teacher training in a very long time, I knew unfortunately I would be faced with a person I had not seen in a long time and with whom I had conflict with. The training was a small group of 12 and I knew there was no hiding, so I approached her with good wishes and immediately knew where I stood. It became clear that the next 4 days were going to be a challenge to say the least. I did my best to avoid eye contact and I questioned why the two of us happened to sign up for the same training.
What I learned about this encounter is that kindness and respect matter. I learned that the best way to handle challenges and conflict in life is to be open and honest, courageous and forthright. We must move through life and not allow fear and insecurity to cripple us; embrace change and look for the opportunities to grow and go beyond what you think you can do or can’t do. Why not allow life’s challenges to empower and utilize our determination, enthusiasm and wisdom? Why not imagine a life of peace and serenity every day?
At the end of the 4th day of training, I was asked for 2 minutes of my time. I was cornered in the bathroom and confronted with bitterness, anger, jealousy, resentment and hostility. I was ordered to ‘keep my mouth shut’ as she continued to berate my character. I was taken back and could hardly believe I was being bullied. I managed to leave this confrontation with a strong voice and simply expressed, I had nothing to say. My heart was filled with sadness, anxiety and nervousness.
I definitely was not going back for the last day of training, that was for sure until I spoke to my son, Jack and my daughter Morgan. They both listened, supported and acknowledged my feelings. The bottom line, “Mom, you will go back and not allow her any power over you and secondly, where does she live?”
I knew I would overcome my fear; I knew I had to be courageous and I also knew I would return for the last day to complete my training. I had this over whelming feeling of sadness for her and how she behaved. She had been living as the victim for all this time; and then it dawned on me, the reason we met was to assist both of us from the past. I know it could have been handled with mutual respect and I regret for her sake how terrible she must have felt after her explosive behavior. I learned to let go of my fear of confrontation. I have had many opportunities with this; and each and every fearful encounter leads me to finding my voice and being fearless.
What I learned about this encounter is that kindness and respect matter. I learned that the best way to handle challenges and conflict in life is to be open and honest, courageous and forthright. We must move through life and not allow fear and insecurity to cripple us; embrace change and look for the opportunities to grow and go beyond what you think you can do or can’t do.
Why not allow life’s challenges to empower and utilize our determination, enthusiasm and wisdom? Why not imagine a life of peace and serenity every day?
May we all do our best to follow our intuition, be kind and loving, practice patience and acceptance. Live appreciation and gratitude to the best of our ability. Free our heart from hatred and anger and replace it with love. Free our mind from worries and live in the moment. Give more than we think and expect less than we desire.
Sending love & Light,
Janet xoxo
Certified Life Coach