Vote Yes on May 16
As a near empty nester, I write to support a “Yes” vote for the Rye City School District budget on Tuesday, May 16. With our youngest child graduating this year, I can say that we feel lucky to have found Rye and we love it here. As young families pour into Rye, I feel confident they too will love it here — Rye is a truly great community.
Yes, we were drawn as many are to Rye because of its powerhouse schools. Rye City Schools have an outstanding reputation nationwide and internationally.
Beyond school rankings though, Rye offers so much more — wonderful people, incredible school spirit, and, perhaps most importantly, a strong community that values education. Rye residents support their schools. When there is a need, the community responds. Participation in school and community volunteerism is what makes Rye so special.
Navigating a history of state-imposed fiscal mandates, the District has proposed a tax cap-compliant budget that maintains the excellence of our schools. The proposed budget reflects intelligent decision-making, balancing fiscal responsibility and educational priorities.
We can all be proud that Rye has passed its budgets by a 70% margin the last five years. Clearly, Rye residents support education and this has strengthened our community and our property values.
For this, and especially for educating my beloved children, I owe a big thank-you. It will soon be time to come out again to support our schools. On May 16, I hope Rye’s new families and old will join me in voting “Yes” on the school budget.
— Mary Emery