Rye marked the solemn occasion of the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks on our nation at a service that began at the Locust Avenue Firehouse and concluded at the September 11 Memorial Gazebo on the Village Green.
By Robin Jovanovich
Rye marked the solemn occasion of the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks on our nation at a service that began at the Locust Avenue Firehouse and concluded at the September 11 Memorial Gazebo on the Village Green.
A large crowd assembled to pay their respects to the 15 Rye residents who lost their lives on that woeful day. The victims’ families held a private memorial the day before. In preparation, DPW workers and the Little Garden Club of Rye planted a row of flowers around the gazebo earlier in the week, and Lisa Easton, the architect of the gazebo, touched up the paint.
Rye Troop 2 led the assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Doug French gave a short, but spirited introduction, praising the emergency workers for exemplary service that day and all days. He then passed the microphone to the many government officials at the service.
While it was not a day for applause, Assemblyman George Latimer’s speech prompted the most clapping and tears. He recalled the question his father asked him on many an occasion in his youth, “What did we learn today?” and he worked it into a memorable perspective on September 11.
“On September 11, 2001, I learned that there was true evil in the world. Nineteen guys went into a strip club on a Monday night against their faith, and on Tuesday morning fly planes into buildings,” he said. “All of us learned that day, or in the days to come, that we are Americans — not white, black, Asian, female, male, conservative, or liberal Americans.”
Holly O’Neill-Melville and her daughter, Sean, who never had a chance to meet her father, after whom she’s named, read the names of the 15 residents we lost:
Thomas Crotty
Benjamin Fisher
Yugi Goya
W. Ward Haynes
Gary E. Koecheler
Takashi Kinoshita
Teddy Maloney
Francis N. McGuinn
Christopher D. Mello
George W. Morell
Sean Gordon O’Neill
Thomas A. Palazzo
Michael J. Simon
Allen V. Upton
Photos by Robin Jovanovich and JoAnn Cancro