What Is Your Journey
What habits and thoughts empower or limit your life? Are they positive and fearless or negative and anxious? Do they serve you well? Beliefs are conscious and unconscious and expanding one’s awareness helps identify those limiting beliefs that prevent us from realizing our true potential. Our beliefs affect our thoughts and impact our feelings. Our feelings influence our actions which include inaction; therefore our actions create the results in life.
As I reflect upon my childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, I was raised in an environment filled with anxiety and worry. My mom was a young mother at the age of 19, and our home was filled with fear. Fear of failure, fear of being wrong, fear of change, and fear of abandonment. Of course this was not her intention; however, she too was raised in a similar environment with certain beliefs, values, and morals that were passed down to her. The consequences of living in such an environment lead to poor self –esteem and confidence. Living with this fear became an addictive habit and one I realized I wanted to change. I decided it was time to be vulnerable and open so I began the discovery process and chose to embark on a journey that would heal my broken spirit. With determination and courage, I have developed new thought patterns and behaviors that empower my inner being. Over time, I have reframed my thought processes through conscious breathing, guided visualizations, and energy release and restoration. Everything in the universe is energy and the fundamental properties of energy is that it is transformational and can be transformed in our bodies, being and lives and even in our world. The power of conscious breathing is amazing and helps soothe and revitalize the body including the brain, nervous system and internal organs. It has allowed me to see opportunities that I may not have realized otherwise. I continue to look for windows of opportunities where I can learn the lessons life has to offer, and have faith that adversary leads to emotional and spiritual growth. My goal is to live in the present fearlessly, to forgive, to love unconditionally, and to continue my journey towards a peaceful and fulfilled life every day of every hour.
With passion and love, I share my knowledge, optimism, enthusiasm and determination to empower others on their journey whether it be moving through challenging transitions, overcoming fear, anxiety, and overwhelm, and to assist them in creating changes toward a life of abundance and love.
Fortunately, we all have our own journey. If you are struggling and feeling lost, as a confident and life-changing coach, I would like to offer you a complimentary 20-minute discovery session. Please reach out if you are interested, ‘The courAge to Transform + Transcend at janet.muller@ymail.com or visit www.beyondyoga.org